Then God said, “Behold, I am going to make a covenant. Before all your people I will perform miracles which have not been produced in all the earth nor among any of the nations; and all the people among whom you live will see the working of the LORD, for it is a fearful thing that I am going to perform with you.” Exodus 34:10.

Today your LORD (יהוה) God (אלהים) says:

If you look carefully at the life of Jesus, and in seeing Him you are seeing Me, you will find that everywhere He went situations that looked hopeless did not stay that way. Sickness, pain, lack, and demon possession that looked like they could only end in ruined lives lived in suffering had a different ending when He came. And right now you may be in difficulty, pain, sickness, and sorrow and Satan is asking you and you are repeating, “How will this all end?” Thinking it has to be in disaster. But I will tell you how it will end and this is the answer you must tell yourself and Satan: “It will end in a miracle.”

And that is the Life Lesson for today on what to do when Satan attacks: “Expect a Miracle.” And the bigger the problem, the bigger the miracle you can expect.

When Jesus showed up, everything that looked headed to death and a devastating end ended in a miracle instead, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Things that seemed impossible to fix were always fixed when Jesus came by, in fact more than fixed, they ended in a miracle.

It had never been heard of that a man blind from birth would be able to see and it seemed his condition would never end in this life, but when Jesus walked by it ended in a miracle. Lazarus was in the tomb four days and it looked like all was over, but when Jesus came by it ended in a miracle. The same for the widow’s only son who was her only source of support, it looked like death was the end, but it was not, Jesus came by and it ended in a miracle. When the wine ran out at the wedding feast, it looked like the feast was over to the embarrassment of the bride and groom, but it was not, Jesus showed up and it ended in a miracle. And a woman who for twelve years had tried everything she knew to do, going to doctors and exhausting her life’s savings, to be healed of her internal hemorrhaging and had only gotten worse, went to Jesus and it ended in a miracle. And those filled with leprosy who had no future and no hope and faced nothing but a bitter life of exile and suffering that would never end in this life went to Jesus and it all ended in a miracle. And a helpless man lying by the pool of Bethesda for thirty-eight years despaired of ever having a miracle, but when Jesus showed up he had his miracle right there and then. And a woman caught in adultery who faced nothing but being stoned to death by the crowd thought all was over, but it was not, in the presence of Jesus it all ended in a miracle of forgiveness. And the hopeless case of a man possessed by a legion of demons who no one could deliver or tame threw himself at the feet of Jesus and it all ended in a miracle. When Peter was locked in prison under heightened security and scheduled to die the next day, it looked like there was no way out, but there was, I sent My angel to take him out of prison, and what would have ended in death instead ended in a miracle.

Storms, fevers, disabilities, and pains brought to Jesus all ended in miracles. And the bigger the problem, the bigger the miracle. Everywhere Jesus showed up, miracles happened. And that was why great crowds thronged Him wherever He went. They came to hear and be healed.

So how is your problem going to end? The answer is simple: With a miracle.

Jesus has promised you that He is with you always until the end of the age, and then you shall be with Him forever in the Kingdom. So why do you act like those who have no hope? Many of you are so easily enslaved by Satan’s traps into thinking you have no way out of the illness, pain, financial lack, addiction, depression, grief, and/or disaster which he has brought against you, but this is not the case. Where will all these things end? In a miracle. For greater is He (Christ Jesus) who is in you than he who is in the world. And the victory that overcomes all in the world is your faith. Faith in My Word, but above all in the Love behind that Word that is for you always.

But there is MUCH MORE, for Jesus told you, guaranteed to you, that you who believe in Him would do the works He did and greater. John 14:12. What does that mean? That everywhere you show up miracles should show up as well. Your life can be a life filled with miracles. And do not think this is impossible. Jesus poured the Holy Spirit from on High after He ascended back to My right hand in Heaven onto believers and they went out and began to do miracles.

Peter and John went up the Beautiful Gate of the temple and there was a man begging, crippled from birth. It looked like his end would be a life of suffering and poverty, but when they showed up they had a Name to use and they used it with faith and his life of disability and lack ended right then and there in a miracle of amazing caliber. And it did not stop there, extraordinary miracles began happening in the entire community of believers and the rejoicing increased to greater and greater heights as the miracles reached out, even as Peter walked down the street they would quickly run to lay the sick so his shadow would touch them and they were healed. And clothes touched to Paul healed the sick and raised the dead on whom they were laid. The anointing—the power to heal—was dripping out of their lives because they were so full of faith and the Holy Spirit.

And miracles did not start only when Jesus took flesh and dwelt among you. I am the God of miracles from eternity past through eternity future. In the beginning when I made the heavens and the earth from My Word the miracle of creation took place. Where there had been a void of darkness came a realm filled with life, light and beauty. And the Garden of Eden was filled with miracles of increase and beauty. And even after the first man and woman forsook Me, I promised the miracle of a redeemer that would crush the devil’s authority over men.

And you see the amazing miracle of the ark of Noah, the rainbow of covenant, the call and life of Abraham and the birth of Isaac. Then in Isaac’s life the miracles of provision and increase, of a bride, and of a family that was the beginnings of the twelve tribes of Israel. And then you see miracles in Jacob’s life of protection, provision, guidance, and prosperity that went on right to his departure from this life. And you see the amazing miracles in the life of his son, Joseph, and how I saved the nations through him.

And then when they were subjected to slavery, I did great and awesome signs, wonders and miracles in redeeming My people out of slavery to freedom—ten plagues, the Passover lamb, the parting of the Red Sea, the Manna, the quail, the water from rocks, the tabernacle with all its plans and riches in the wilderness, the sacrifices of the Law which were a shadow of the things to come in Jesus, and the pillar of cloud and of fire to lead them and direct them across the desert to the promised land. And above all the giving of My Word which I entrusted to the nation that were the descendants of My friend Abraham who believed in My Word above all the contrary circumstances.

And we could go on to the miracles of protection, deliverance, battle strategies, assistance of angels, provision, and divine direction as Joshua entered the promised land with the children of Israel. The rollback of the Jordan River, the fall of Jericho at a shout and trumpet blast, the conquest of nations mightier and stronger than the Israelites as I fought with them and for them.

And then there was the period of the Judges when I kept coming down to work with them to deliver them and bring them back to My law despite their unfaithfulness to My Word. And after Samuel followed Me and the miracles again flowed because I had a man of faith who had a mother of faith, Hannah, who changed the nation of Israel to bring them back to Me in her son. And after that you find the miracles and wonders I performed for and through My beloved David, the man after My own heart. And I could go and on with the lives of My prophets such as Elijah and Elisha and the amazing miracles I worked through and with them. And their lives on earth ended in miracles. My faithful kings, like Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah, and My miraculous deliverance of My people to rebuild My temple and restore Jerusalem.

And then the amazing miracle of My Word taking flesh and dwelling among you to save you, heal you, bless you, and deliver you from your destructions, to give you a future and a hope that is not limited to this world but also to the one to come. In Him I give you eternal life. I give you My life. And this is a miracle.

I am the God who works wonders without numbers beyond all you can imagine, ask or think, so then why do you so easily despair when you have a pain or something looks impossible to change? Have you not realized yet that NOTHING is impossible for Me. I made it all and I can direct it in any way that is needed. And I give that authority to you as well by giving you My Word. I have put My Words in your mouth and My Spirit on you. What are you doing with the POWER working in you?

If you are not seeing miracles, I would remind you of what happened in the life of Jesus. Everywhere He went miracles happened except in places where there was a lack of faith. In His own hometown of Nazareth He could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. And He wondered at their unbelief. Mark 6:4-5. He could not do many miracles there because of their unbelief. Feed your faith with My Word. Only believe and leave no room for fear or doubt.

Jairus, the synagogue leader in the town of Capernaum, came to Jesus to take Jesus to his home to heal his daughter who was ill to the point of death. As Jesus walked with him to go to his home, the report came that his daughter had already died, but this did not phase Jesus and He advised Jairus to be the same, “Do not fear, only believe and her life will be saved.” Jairus put his trust in the Words of Jesus and kept going. And when they got to the house, Jesus raised his daughter from the dead and he had the joy of seeing his daughter alive again. IT ALL ENDED IN A MIRACLE because he believed and refused to give in to fear.

And it could be said the same of the Shunamite woman and Elisha when her little son died, she did not let that stop her from seeing her boy alive again. She knew I am the God of miracles and through My prophet I would come through for her. And of course I did.

Let Me in by faith and all things are possible. All wonderful things. Why? “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.” James 1:17. All good things come from Me. I am the source of all good and it is a never ending source of good things and perfect gifts. And what is a perfect gift? The one you need at the moment, whether it be healing, provision, peace, restoration, rejuvenation, love, wisdom, or revelation.

So when Satan comes to make you think there is no way out of your illness, pain, lack, or anything else evil answer that with the appropriate promise in My Word that is contrary to what he stated and look up into My loving eyes which are always gazing on you to watch over you and smile, saying, “Thank you, Father, that it will all end in a miracle even now. I am so looking forward to my miracle.” And then just name the miracles you need, rebuke the spirit of fear telling him that you are having your miracle, and go forward to do what you could not do before with no fear.

I love you. And the greatest miracle is the miracle that will make your mortal existence end in immortality in the glorious splendor of an incorruptible body of glory. And all believers in My Son will have this as you are caught up to meet My Son in the clouds. So if Satan asks you about your life or anything in it, how do you answer him? You smile and say, “It is all going to end in a miracle.” And you know it is, for I have promised it to you and all My promises are “yes” to you in Jesus. Yes, you have Jesus so your life can be full of miracles if you will only speak them and enjoy them.