Join our Weekly Bible Study on Zoom!

If you continue in His Word, you will be His disciples, and then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free!

2025- Come Lord Jesus! Marana tha – It is time for you to prophesy and bring new life.

Every Sunday at 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Hawaii Time

Music Ministry

Our music ministry offers the Word of God in original songs, recorded and live, as we flood the world with the light of His love with our Spirit sent songs from Heaven that you hear nowhere else.

T.V. Ministry

Our TV ministry shares the good news of the God’s Word in a weekly TV show that has aired in Hawaii since 2009, each show is unique and Spirit directed.

Video Ministry

We spread the good news of God’s grace and wondrous love by composing and filming videos that have won international awards and have aired on local Superbowl broadcasting as “God Commercials.”

Women's Ministry

We have a strong and vibrant fellowship of women of all ages from all walks of life that the LORD named “Most Beautiful Among Women,” taken from Song of Songs 6:1-3. 

Daily Manna

Since 2008, when Marana tha Ministries was founded at the direction of the LORD, the LORD God has given a teaching every day to reveal His heart to His people. This daily Word from Him has formed our Ministry and draws us into an ever deeper relationship with Him. As He calls us out of the realm of darkness into His own marvelous Light we experience the greatness of His everlasting love. Be sure you come to receive your Daily Manna here every day. It is always new.

Wonderful Songs

If you have heard about the Spirit sent songs that open the windows of Heaven, the Wonderful Songs composed by Bonnie L. Moore, President of Marana tha Ministries, and would like to listen to them, learn more about them, and order the songs please go to