Marana tha means Come Lord Jesus!
God’s purpose, His dream, in creating man and the earth, was to have a family of His own like Him, in His image, to fellowship with, bless, and dwell with; to whom He gave their own home where they would have authority and dominion. Marana tha Ministries, Inc. is working to help bring about God’s dream. For God made a family to be all His own, no one missing, no one broken and no one alone; so that one day to Heaven this earth joined will be, together, with our Father, for all eternity.
We know that the Lord Jesus is with us now, dwelling by His Spirit in believers, those who have welcomed Him into their lives as their Lord, and that God will never leave us or forsake us. But we also know that after the Lord Jesus had won us victory and salvation by His death and resurrection, He left our earth and ascended into Heaven to take His seat at the right hand of the Father where He ever lives to intercede for us. While still on earth, before His death and resurrection, however, He promised to physically return with a shout on the clouds of heaven with power and glory to gather His elect from the four winds and to join Heaven with earth. According to His promise, we await new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
Before He can return, Jesus told His disciples that the Gospel of the Kingdom must be preached throughout the world as a witness to all nations and then the end will come.
God is waiting on us to fulfill the great commission so He can return to fulfill all His promises and dwell with us. So the mission of Marana tha Ministries, Inc., we who long for His coming, is to do all we can to hasten the coming of the day of the Lord by sending out the Good News to all nations by song, art, teaching, preaching and outreach.
The specific charitable, religious and educational purpose and mission of Marana tha Ministries, Inc. is to preach the Gospel to all the nations and peoples of the world through various means and programs, including but not limited to, (1) the conducting of Bible studies, television programs, Sunday school classes, religious education, crusades and seminars; (2) the composition, recording, performance, and distribution of songs, music, art, dance, teaching materials and other forms of media and art; and (3) the conducting of outreach to the poor, lost, broken and/or alone through various means including but not limited to programs such as shelters, orphanages, gathering places, homes, website and care centers.
We are incorporated as a Hawaii nonprofit corporation registered with the Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs and we are a 501(c) (3) organization recognized by the IRS.