Also there were many priests, because they were prevented by death from continuing. But He, because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens, who does not need daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the people’s, for this He did once for all when He offered up Himself. For the law appoints as high priests men who have weakness, but the word of the oath, which came after the law, appoints the Son who has been perfected forever. Hebrews 7:23-28.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
Many of you are very worried about so many things—your health, your finances, your family, your job, your future . . . your life. It all comes down to a fear of losing your life before you ever find it. Of not being all you were meant to be. Of somehow missing the life you dreamed of. And it all seems too late and the years slip by without ever getting out of the pit that seems to get deeper each year.
Is that you? If so you need to meet your great High Priest. His Name is Jesus. The only Name given to men by which you are saved.
Many think of Him as the crucified Savior who took all your sins from you and made you My righteousness in Him. Many are familiar with Him as the Good Shepherd who feeds you, heals you, cares for you, leads you, and guides you. Some see Him as the Risen Lord who is King of kings and Lord of lords, perfect in majesty and beauty. And He is all these things and more, but few think of Him as their great High Priest who ever lives to intercede for them at My right hand.
And yet that is what He has been doing for over two thousand years now and will continue to do forever. He is a priest FOREVER according to the order of Melchizedek, which is Hebrew and means King of Righteousness. And if you are prepared to receive it, I anointed Jesus together with the Holy Spirit, who is Melchizedek, with the oil of joy. Melchizedek appeared to Abram as the Priest of El Elyon (God Most High) and brought him bread and wine and Abram gave Him the tithe, one tenth of all. I taught Abraham the Gospel ahead of time in many ways.
And what does Jesus do as High Priest? Well, look at the shadow I give you of which Christ in the substance and fulfillment in the High Priest under the Old Covenant, the first being Aaron. The High Priest represented the people before Me. If He is perfect than the people are perfect before Me. If he is accepted the people are also accepted in him. He atones for the sin of the people. He bears their guilt and iniquities before Me and makes atonement and obtains their pardon.
The High Priest is not at My side for Himself but for the people. He is there for you. He protects you from the wrath and obtains favor for you. He makes you acceptable to Me.
And what else did the High Priest do? When there were questions that needed answering on what the armies or the nation should do in a situation of attack or emergency, the leader of the people came to the High Priest to have him put on the ephod with the breastplate of decision and consult Me to find out My direction by the Urim (Lights) and the Thummin (Perfections). As you recall when I gave the Moses the plan for My dwelling, I also gave him the pattern for the garments of the High Priest, particularly, I told Moses, “You shall put in the breastpiece of judgment the Urim and the Thummim, and they shall be over Aaron’s heart when he goes in before the Lord; and Aaron shall carry the judgment of the sons of Israel over his heart before the Lord continually.” Exodus 28:30. The breastpiece was made of the same material as the ephod, a span square; set in front with twelve jewels in four rows, engraved with the names of the twelve tribes. It was firmly fastened to the shoulders of the ephod by gold chains passing through gold rings, and to the lower part of the ephod just above the girdle by a blue ribbon passing through other gold rings. And it was worn over the High Priest’s heart.
Your names are written on My heart, your names are graven in My hands, and I so loved you I gave you My Son in whom dwells all the fullness of the divinity in bodily form to be your Great High Priest. One like you yet perfect too, truly God yet truly Man, stands at My right hand to ever live and intercede for you. He understands your weakness too, for He became small and weak like you, a tiny baby He was born and He lived a life very much as you, He knew the heartache and the pain, He knew rejection and He bore your shame, but Satan had no part in Him and He was spotless, perfect and without sin. And yet He took on all your sin and bore My judgment in your place. One with My Son you cannot die, for He went down to the dust of death for you but then I raised Him and you in Him.
And He for you is your Urim and Thummin (lights and perfections) and will always show you what to do when you consult your Great High Priest. Do you recall? John, the disciple who knew Jesus’ love for Him and called himself the “beloved disciple” (learn from that and do the same), was reclining on Jesus’ bosom at the Passover Supper the night before My Son died, and when Peter signaled to him to find out who would betray Jesus, John leaned back on My Son’s breast and asked who it was and My Son revealed to him that it was Judas. Do you see? The breastpiece wherein I spoke to My people by the High Priest. Jesus is in My Bosom, John 1:18, and you rest in His bosom, John 13:23, and there you can lean back on His love and ask him whatever it is you need to know to make decisions in your life. And He will light the way for you. My Word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path.
And My Son is the High Priest of your confession (holmologia in Greek, which means agreement, to say the same thing about something, a conclusion reached by a common confession). I watch over My Word to perform it. So witness with My Word, that is, say the same thing about your health, healing, finances, strength, prosperity, and position with Me that I tell you in My Word. And what I tell you is all good about you and My promises are to prosper, bless, and heal you always. My Words are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. So be sure you are giving Him the fruit of your lips in agreement with My Word so that He can present it before Me as the fruit of your lips and I can perform it and establish good things in your life. He witnesses with you before Me so you can come with confidence to My throne of grace and receive mercy and grace just when you need them.
And as your High Priest, He gives you the communion meal of His own body and blood which is given for you. And then you give Him the tithe. Just as Abraham did Melchizedek. And then He can increase and bless your finances. The communion meal proclaims His death for you and the tithe proclaims that He lives for you. The High Priest receives your tithes and offerings to present them to Me.
And as He did to Abraham, the High Priest bestows THE BLESSING upon you to go to work in your life.
And the High Priest instructs the faithful in My ways and shows them what is pleasing to Me. He instructs them in My Word. And Jesus is My Word and no one can teach it better than He and the way this is done for you today since He is in Heaven, is by the Holy Spirit, who teaches you all things and reminds you of everything My Son said.
Under the Old Covenant, when a man killed another man but it was accidental manslaughter and not premeditated murder, I directed Moses and Joshua to establish cities of refuge that were cities of the Levites, where such a person could flee and be safe from the avenger of the blood of their relative whom he had accidentally killed. For the law was a life for a life. The catch was, however, that the guilty party could only stay there as long as the High Priest in office at the time he entered the city of refuge lived. Numbers 35:25, 28; Joshua 20:6. When the High Priest died, the manslayer had to return to his own town. But do you see? Your High Priest will never die, He lives forever making intercession for you! So you never have to leave your city of refuge again. Whoever calls on the Name of the Lord is saved.
Therefore, since you have a Great High Priest who has passed through the Heavens, Jesus, My Son, hold fast to your confession (homologia). For you do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with your weaknesses, but One who has been tested in all things yet remained without sin. Thus, you can draw NEAR to Me with confidence, right into the Holy of Holies to My throne of grace and receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:14-16. My grace is sufficient for you. My grace is superabundant. Those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through Christ Jesus. Romans 5:17.
And My Son, by His blood, has made all who believe in Him a royal priesthood—kings and priests—a holy nation, a people set apart as My own. And I have called you into partnership with Him as My royal priesthood doing the ministry of reconciling the world to Me all day every day as you go about your routine of life. Be My witnesses. Be My ambassadors. Many souls are lost because no one tells them the good news of Jesus and leads them in the prayer of salvation. The fields are ripe for harvest, don’t just walk by people each day, reconcile them with Me. You are wise to save souls. It has great reward because then you are doing the works of Jesus and greater because you can lead them in the prayer of salvation and get them born again. He had to die first and be raised from the dead so you could do that.
You all have your names written on My heart. And you are the jewels that shine there on the breastpiece. You are each so precious to Me. And you are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to Me through Jesus, your High Priest. 1 Peter 2:5, 9. Join Him as intercessors at My right hand and pray for your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, cities, government officials, states, and nations. I am counting on you to release My authority on earth through intercessory prayer together with your great High Priest Jesus.
I love you. And I have given you a Great High Priest who is a priest for you forever. Cast all your fears, cares, worries, anxieties into the nail pierced hands of your Great High Priest and let Him bear them before Me and in exchange give you His shalom peace, His wealth, His health, and His wisdom and best of all bestow on you THE BLESSING. For He redeemed you from the curse and gave to you THE BLESSING of Abraham and the promise of the Spirit by faith. For He died for you and now He lives for you. You should be making use of your Great High Priest. That pleases Him and Me. For THE BLESSING of the LORD, it makes you rich and I add NO SORROW (toil) with it. It is time you knew and relied on Jesus as your great High Priest and saw yourself in partnership with Him as His royal priesthood doing the work of the ministry with Him all day every day as you go about the business of life.