For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I delight and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10-11.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
Everything you do and say should be with a purpose. Not idle. This includes your giving. Be sure you do not give in a random manner. Target your seed. I told Noah that as long as the earth remained there would be seed, time and harvest. A farmer does not just throw seed out there and then walk away. He is believing for a harvest, and not just anything to come up, but to harvest what the seed produces that he planted. Target your seed specifically. Make sure you sow it in good soil and speak over it before you release it. I told you to do that with the tithe, Deuteronomy 26:1-15, and it is the same with your offerings. Job 22:28; Romans 4:17.
But this may surprise you. I do that. I send My Word to heal you and deliver you from destruction. That is targeted. But I show you even more. Before My Word goes forth from My mouth, I have given it a purpose—a harvest to produce—I have directed it and it does not return to Me void but accomplishes My delight and prosperously effects that for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10-11. Say the Word and those things that be not shall become.
So how do you apply this? If you recall, when there was a need, I would ask you first what you have in your house. That is how My prophet Elisha responded to the widow who was in dire need of finances after her husband died leaving her in debt. She was confused at first because she thought she had nothing, or at least not enough to pay her debts, but she found out differently by a word spoken over her supply of oil by the prophet.
Again, when over five thousand people were hungry on the hillside of Galilee, Jesus asked his disciples what they had on hand to feed the people, they thought they had nothing that could meet the need, but they were surprised to find they did when five loaves and two fish were spoken over by Jesus.
In both these instances a Word that directed the seed produced the result they wanted. In My Kingdom impossible things happen at the power of a Word spoken. But the Word is spoken over a seed that is planted, a seed that is sent, a seed that is sowed in good soil so that it produces sixty, thirty and a hundredfold. And you determine the measure.
I am sure you are still wondering what I am telling you to do, you may be thinking you need to find someone with the anointing of Elisha or that of My Son Jesus, but you who have received My Son as Lord are now the anointed; for the Anointed One, Christ, lives in you, and My Spirit is in you and on you and you are anointed with Power and of Joy. You are a royal priesthood—kings, prophets, and priests offering spiritual sacrifice unto Me, which is the fruit (offerings) of your lips. Hosea 14:2, 1 Peter 2:5 (“you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”). It is now what you say that ministers, Jesus is the High Priest of your confession (homologia), meaning you must be speaking words that in agreement with His, and He speaks My Words.
So, let Me get specific. When the widow needed an income, she got it by selling oil, so she sowed oil, spoke multiplication of oil, and that is what she received. It did not return void. Over five thousand people on the hillside needed bread and fish, and the young boy sowed that, and received bread and fish multiplied well over a thousandfold. Now you may be thinking, that you need to pay your mortgage, or you need healing for your body, or you desire to have a child, or you want your son off drug addiction, or you want freedom from alcohol, and numerous other problems that you may have need of solutions for that you are wondering if you have something that you could sow that would produce the harvest of finances, healing, deliverance, fruitfulness, etc. that you want, that you could speak over and release to return to you achieving and prospering the thing you desire. It is true you could sow making a payment on another person’s mortgage or rent, or you could do other things similar but I will show you something that works for all things. It is a universal seed. Money. Yes, money. You go to the grocery store and you can turn that money into milk, bread, or numerous other food and beverage items, you can take money and pay your rent or mortgage, you can take money and turn it into anything you target it for. So look at what you have in hand, you have some money, even if it is just two coins as the widow had that Jesus watched her sow it into the offering box, or it may be you have more. But you can name money for any harvest. So, first, consult Me, that is, ask Me where and what (how much) to give. I told Moses to tell the sons of Israel to raise a contribution for Me from every man whose heart moved him to give to building My dwelling. Exodus 25:2. So first purpose in your heart the amount and the ministry or person where you intend to sow, but it should be towards bringing about My Kingdom and preaching the good news of the Kingdom to all the world. This is dear to My heart because I want My Son to return so I can give you a new Heaven and a new earth free from the curse where I make My dwelling among you and we are together face to face constantly.
Next, before sending off the offering, speak over that offering, write down what you are believing for in faith by planting that seed. It could be healing for you or another, it could be for a debt free home or car, it could be for paying off your debts, it could be for promotion at your work, it could be to prosper the work of your hands in your own business, it could be for your ministry, it could be for college tuition for you or your children, it could be to build and run an orphanage or a home for the homeless or prisoners coming out of prison, it could be for deliverance from an addiction, and there is really no limit for what you can sow for to reap a harvest, just be sure it lines up with My Words and promises, but I have many magnificent promises and they are all yours in Jesus Christ. Please don’t limit Me to small things, make them big as you can imagine and see them coming to pass first in your vision and then in manifestation. I want to bless you, but the Kingdom law is that you give to receive, and I have told you to speak over your tithes and offerings. And be specific. If you are looking for a job, write down exactly what you want. If you are looking for a home or apartment, make a list of what you want to every detail.
Finally, send off your targeted offering and then immediately begin to thank Me and rejoice in that your harvest is on the way! Send the harvesting angels to collect it. I am the LORD of hosts and I have made the angels to serve you who are heirs of salvation.
You reap with joy. Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy and they will come back carrying their sheaves. And what will they sing? The LORD has done great things for us and we are glad indeed.
When you have a need, sow a seed, and target it for the solution of that need. And if you believe you receive when you ask Me for the answer, you would be thankful. I do not speak worry or fear and neither should you. I speak faith. That is My language. Faith says “thank you” before it sees the result in the natural because it sees it in the supernatural and has received it already. Without faith it is impossible to please Me because you are not talking My language.
When a person does not speak your language it seems that many times you will raise your voice and talk louder to that person as if that will make them understand. But turning up the volume does not give them any better understanding of what you are saying. That is the way some people pray. When you pray according to My Will, I hear you, but I do not hear the prayers of the wicked, no matter how loud they get. And I do not speak the language of fear and doubt so I do not hear those prayers either no matter how much the person cries and begs, for they are not My language. A father is very happy the first time his child forms some words, even if he just says the word, “Dada,” because the child is finally speaking his language. They can communicate on a new level. And thanksgiving is the language of faith. Victory is tied to thanksgiving. “Thanks be to God,” Paul cried, “who has given us the victory in Christ Jesus!” And again, “Thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus our Lord!”
I have blessed you with every spiritual blessing in Heaven already in Christ Jesus, you have only to pull it out by faith, but without knowing what you want it is hard for you to receive. So be specific, get a plan, and then sow to grow that plan. And watch wonderful things begin to flow in your life.
I love you. It is time for you to operate in Kingdom laws and see Kingdom results. Stop hoarding and start giving, become a cheerful giver because when you give you are actually giving to yourself for all you give will come back to you in greater measure than you gave.
He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7.