And which of you by worrying can add a cubit to your stature? If then you cannot do even a very little thing, why do you worry about other matters? Luke 12:25-26.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God (אלהים) says:
I have never told you to worry or have anxiety, in fact the exact opposite. I have told you many times in My Word, not to worry, not to fear and not to have any anxiety about anything.
A lie of the devil that we will address today is this: Worry is okay and is unavoidable. In fact the devil has even gone so far that he has convinced many that worry shows your concern for others and you are most indifferent to others troubles and ills if you are not expressing worry over them. And yet, worrying about others, especially your children, is one of the worst things you can do about them. Like Job. You need to be releasing faith for good things in prayer for others, especially your children, and saying the scriptures that do that, which will not return to Me void of the power that is in them to grow what they promise.
Worry is fear coming from doubt and unbelief. It reveals that you have no trust in Me and My Word. Worry is meditation day and night on the wrong things. It is not meditation on My Word, it is meditation on the words of the world, the flesh and the devil. It is an unrenewed, undisciplined and evil mind. It is oppression by the devil. You should not entertain and hold worry so close to you any more than you would a poisonous snake.
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. John 14:27.
Do you recall when Jesus told His disciples they were going to the other side of the Sea of Galilee and they got into their boat and headed out into deep water and then a fierce storm arose? The disciples went into worry and woke up Jesus asking Him if He was not concerned that they were going to perish? Did He laud them for that? No, He asked them where their faith was, called them of little faith, and finally called them of NO faith.
Since I have commanded you not to worry, given you My Word and My assurance that I will never leave you or forsake you and that I will supply for ALL your needs in Christ Jesus, why do you worry? It is disobedient and actually an insult to Me. I gave you My beloved Son to take away your sins and accept full punishment in your place so that you become righteous with My own righteousness in Him. And if this was not enough, He also took your diseases, ills, and pains and lifted them off you as your healer so that by His bloody scourges you are healed. He emptied Himself and became poor so you could become rich with His merits. And in Him, I have given you the Kingdom and all you need for life and godliness. And if that were not enough, I have blessed you with every blessing in Heaven and seated you with Him at My right hand as more than a conqueror. In Him I gave you eternal life.
If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? Romans 8:31-32.
I tell you that to make the devil flee every time, you must submit to Me, resist the devil, and then he will flee from you in terror. Worry does none of these and therefore brings the opposite result. It opens your life to the devil as well as the life of the person you are worried about.
If you are worried you are not submitting to My Word as true. How is that? If you believed that I am your healer and the I heal ALL your ills, you would look at the symptoms and manifestations of illness and infirmity that the unclean spirits try to put on you and laugh knowing you have a healer who took them from you legally already and you would enforce that with confidence. Sickness and pain do not worry you when you know you have a healer that is all powerful, loves you, and is the Most High. The devil knows if he can get you into worry and anxiety, he can do with you as he wills, you will not resist but surrender. When you worry you are thinking his thoughts and speaking his words stout against Mine.
Worry is not faith but doubt and unbelief, it is focused entirely on YOU and leaves Me out. This closes the door of your heart to My answers, miracles, and blessings.
Worry makes believers into double minded people.
Anxiety and stress are higher degrees of worry and can cause what they term “nervous breakdowns” and “anxiety disorders.” These are merely unrenewed minds of doubt and unbelief of people who are listening to the devil above Me. They are being guided by the stranger’s voice, the liar and thief who comes only to steal, kill and destroy. And worry, if not controlled and cast out, does just that. Do NOT let your heart be troubled, do NOT let it be afraid.
I would not tell you not to do something if I have not given you the power to do so. I gave you My peace but you must take and guard it.
You escalate worry in your life by feeding it. You do that by letting your mind keep dwelling upon the problem and speaking it. Jesus explained that to you, “Do not worry then SAYING . . .”
You will know you are feeding your worry if you are constantly thinking about it and talking about it.
It starts with thoughts and if you do not answer them with the Word that takes those thoughts down and brings you strength and peace, but instead entertain and speak them to yourself and others, the worry will escalate to anxiety and stress and will cover your life with darkness—the veil of darkness that is covering the earth. But Jesus, My Word, rends the veil in two from top to bottom. He is the Prince of Peace.
In the storm on the Sea of Galilee, as the disciples woke Him crying out to Him in great anxiety and fear, His answer was a question, “Why are you so fearful? Where is your faith?” And he called that worry, little faith, no faith, and lost faith. So you see the answer here, you must build up your faith to be worry free. I give each born again believer the same measure of faith, and it is My faith, so you actually have the faith of God in your heart. I have done My part, as Jesus did when He gave you His peace (which is also Mine for all I have is His and all He has is Mine) and your part is to build it up. Like you all have the gift of the same muscles but some people build them up more than others.
How do you build your faith from little faith to great faith so that nothing affrights you or causes worry and anxiety?
Faith comes only one way, by what you are listening to and taking into your heart and then what you meditate upon. Faith in My Word comes and grows by how much attention you give to My Words.
Give attention to My Words, incline your ear to my sayings. In every situation, discipline yourself to question whether what you are listening to, whether it be in your mind or comes to you from an outside source, is causing you worry and anxiety, and if so, look deeper to see why it is doing that and what My Word says on the subject. Always see things in the light of My Word, for My Words give light. Thus, do not let them depart from your sight; keep them in the midst of your heart. For My Words are life to those who find them and health to all their body. They will make you strong and guard your heart from worry.
On your part, you must watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. Do not let your hearts be troubled, do not let them be afraid, and you do this by being careful what you are listening to and building your life upon and above all in what you are saying for what you say is what you will permit in your life. So put away from you a deceitful mouth and put devious speech far from you. Only My Word is absolute truth so if you are speaking in opposition to My Covenant Names and the good news of Jesus, then you are speaking deceit and if you want to be free of worry you must stop your idle chatter.
If you would see good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies. So get into My Book, the Bible, and let My Word dwell in your richly and it will be a light to your path and a lamp to your feet. Let your eyes look directly ahead and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you. Do not let the fires the devil sets distract you from your goal. Watch the path of your feet and all your ways will be established. Do not turn to the right nor to the left; turn your foot from evil. Proverbs 4:20-27.
The only anchor in this life is My Word. It will take you through the veil to the golden glow of the Holy of Holies to the One who is there to help you, comfort you and give you the mercy and the grace that you need to keep you in great peace so that your life becomes days of Heaven upon the earth.
It is not just knowing what My Word promises you and the great power that is in My Word that frees you from worry and fear so that you grow from faith to faith, from glory to glory and become the unconquerable overcomer I made you to be. It is much more—it is knowing intimately the One who spoke the Word and the great love He has for you and that will never grow cold.
But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God. Jude 1:20-21.
It is the truth of My love for YOU and that truth of who I am. I am above all, the Maker of all, and there are no limits to the supply, goodness, power, wisdom, and riches I want to shower on you. When there is not lack, there is no worry.
I am Love and I have given you Myself in your great good Shepherd, and you can sing with David, “the LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
When you have Me you shall not lack anything because in Me you already have everything.
There is no need for worry, only rejoicing, for no matter what shows up, I can make everything work out for your good.
When you already have the answer, the problem is no longer a worry for it is no longer a problem. If your already have everything, when a need shows up it is no longer a worry for you because you have more than enough to meet it so it is no longer a need. After all, it has pleased Me to give you My Kingdom already. When you are seeking forgiveness, whether I will forgive you or not is no longer a worry, for in Christ Jesus I have atoned for it already and you are free.
Just learn from the parable of the prodigal son, just return to Me and I will work it out for you to restore the years and make it better than it was before.
Never hide in fear from Me, perfect love casts out all fear. Know and believe in the love I have for you by looking at what I did for you in My Son. I am willing and able to walk you through and out of any situation that is worrying you.
Even though I walk through the dark valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4.
No fear in the dark valley of the shadow of death. Why? I am walking your out of here to the table of plenty.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. Psalm 23:5-6.
Your main enemy is not people or even the devil and his unclean spirits, but your unrenewed mind that has fear from a foundation of doubt and unbelief. Fear that I will not meet all your needs, wants, and desires. You fear I am not enough for you and will not come through. And jealousy, strife, and the worry that causes covetousness, are all based on the belief that when another has the things you want that you have to take theirs away from them, you think there is not enough where I can give you what they have and even more. But this is not the case. When David took Bathsheba from Uriah, I asked why he did this evil when I would have given him even more without hurting another if he had just trusted Me.
What do you need to know then to overcome worry so that it is not even and issue in your life?
- Know and believe in the love I have for you by hearing My Words and treasuring them in your heart.
He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.” John 14:21.
- Know Me as your helper, your healer, your provider, your peace, your refuge, your deliverer, your fortress, your strength, and your God of gladness and exceeding joy. Because you know My Name I will lift you on high. And that is far above worry.
- Know I am with you and am in you by My Spirit and that I am able to do anything and everything. Know that My Spirit in you is resurrection power, which is able to do in you, with you , and through you far beyond all you can ask or imagine. More than enough for everything and anything.
- Know you are forgiven, blessed, and forever Mine.
- Never allow yourself to speak worry and fear. Keep My Words of provision, healing, deliverance, and victory in your heart and in your mouth.
- Put your attention on Me for the solution in every situation.
- Determine to give worry no place in your life.
- Prayer is always the answer to cast your care on Me.
I love you. Stop all the worry. I have commanded you to do so and there are great rewards in being willing and obedient. You can control your thoughts with the help of My grace, My Spirit, and My Word. When worry comes, pray and sing in tongues and it will go. Guaranteed.