What we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ. 1 John 1:3.

Today your LORD (יהוה) God (אלהים) says:

The greatest joy of your inheritance is fellowship with the One who created you, saved you, and loves you beyond love and then some on top of that! This is eternal life.

This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. John 17:3.

Fellowship is to know Me as your wonderful counselor, your Father forever, your champion, your provider who takes care of your every need and cures your every ill, and your shalom peace. But more than that, it is know Me as your friend and confident, for I have called you who draw close to Me and love My Word My friends and not only friends but Covenant partners, a marriage of hearts as one in purpose, plans, and mutual love which results in a sweet and continuous exchange of conversation and consultation.

Fellowship is a mutual understanding that produces admiration and respect for one another and a zeal for furthering the interests of each other. But above all fellowship is the joy of being together and sharing all things in an intimate exchange of familiarity.

In true and mature fellowship there is no doubt of the other’s love and commitment. The good opinion of each for the other cannot be swayed. No wedge of doubt can get between two in true and mature fellowship. For each knows the other.

I created you in My image and according to My likeness as My family. Because you are like Me, we can fellowship, partner, and enjoy communicating with one another. You cannot have fellowship with any other creature as you can with another person and, above all, as you can with Me.

When I sought a suitable partner for the first man it had to be one just like him so I pulled the woman out of the man as flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone, and so you are with Me. You, like My Son, are generated and proceed forth from deep within Me, in My bosom, and are born into the world. And My Son told you who follow Him, the night He was betrayed, that He is preparing and place for you and then will come to take you with Him, and that where He is you may also be. That place is back deep in Me.

For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has disclosed Him. John 1:17-18.

In the New Covenant all are to know Me from the least to the greatest because I have poured My love into your hearts by the gift of My Holy Spirit. We have united in our spirits.

I have called each one of you into fellowship with My Son, Jesus Christ your Lord.  1 Corinthians 1:9. And when you unite with Him you become one spirit with Him. 1 Corinthians 6:17.

The most important thing to Me, the one thing that pleases Me most that you can give Me, is fellowship.  My delight is to be with you and have you with Me. My desire as always been to dwell with you. I am with you always and I will never leave you or forsake you. If you seek Me, you will find Me right there with you.

I have sought fellowship with men and women since I made mankind.  I sought it with Adam; we walked together in the Garden in the breezy time of the day.  I tried to have it with Cain but he would not fellowship with Me.  He did not agree with Me in his mode of operation. He operated in hate, jealousy, and murder while I am love and life.  And how can two walk together if they do not agree?

I reached out continually looking for those whose hearts were turned towards Me and I found Noah, and then Abraham, and then Isaac, then Jacob, and then Joseph.  After that it started getting better and I could always find someone who would fellowship with Me.  And the numbers began to increase.

But now is the age that I find the best so far, and it will just get better.  Now that My Son has died to redeem your lives from the slavery to sin and death, your spirits can be born again and My Spirit can dwell in you!  I can make My dwelling place with you.  This means I can fellowship with every believer day and night.  But this can only happen if you will draw close to Me and open the door to your heart to My knock so that I can come in and fellowship with you.  So that I can abide with you.  So that I can reveal Myself to you.  So that we can communicate all day and all night if you will.  It is up to you.

I am there for you and I will never be anywhere else.  Why?  My Holy Spirit is in you and will be with you forever.  I am there right in your heart.  And I am always in, you will never find Me absent or out about an errand.  I am everywhere but I am particularly in every believer by My Spirit.  Be aware of Me, for whether you are aware or not I am there, but you will only fellowship with Me if you know I am there.

And by fellowship I mean to talk with Me and listen to what I say to you.  It should not be a monologue on your part but an exchange, and actually, you should spend more time listening than talking, like Martha’s sister Mary did because I have information and revelation to impart to you that you cannot arrive at on your own.

Now the more you connect with Me and fellowship with Me (you can do this all the time, even in the midst of a busy day, just be aware of My presence and ask Me questions as they come up and how to answer people as they talk to you, etc.) the more like Me you will become.  This will lead you into the life of love.  And it will cause you to bear abundant fruit.

You become like the one you spend most of your time with, the one you live with, the one you go places with, the one from whom you seek counsel and advice, the one you eat with, the one who fills your needs, and the one who you know loves and cherishes you.  Have you ever noticed that married couples who have been married for many years have become very much alike?  Usually in appearance and mindset.

Well, it works like that in the spirit too.  Whatever you fellowship with the most is what you will become.  If you fellowship with the world more than Me you will be like the world.  And the world is ungodly.  The world tries never to mention Me and tries to supply its own needs.  Worldly men and women judge things in ways contrary to My Word.  They approve things which I tell you are wrong, perverted, and immoral, that is, are sins, and end in death, not life.  These are works of the flesh, not of the Spirit.

If that is where you listen and dialogue you will not abide in Me and live the life of love.

But if you spend time with Me, if My Word on a subject is your final authority, if you judge all things in how they line up with My Word, then you will find yourself more and more like Me.  You will hear My plans and dreams for you, and you will step out into a life of adventure and beauty that is far beyond what you could imagine or think.  You will begin to see things as I do and understand so many things about the earth, life, and Heaven that you could not know on your own.  Remember I told Jeremiah, and through him My Spirit told you, that when you call on Me I answer you and tell you great and mighty things which you could not know.  Jeremiah 33:3.  That is true for those who fellowship with Me. I share My secrets with those who love Me and honor Me with their fellowship.

And I love to fellowship with you.  You are precious to Me and I love you.  Isaiah 43:4.  That is why I made man in My image!  It was to have a family that could relate to Me, be like Me, and walk with Me.  It was to be family, friends, and lovers.  My beloved.  Let Me see your face and hear your voice, for you are lovely and your voice to Me is sweet!

And it is your calling, you are all called to fellowship with Me.

And fellowship is not burdensome.  So what I tell you is the one thing that is needed is not hard at all—when you get to know Me it will be a time you look forward to.  Do you not look forward to spending time with someone you really love and enjoy and who loves and enjoys you? Someone who knows you well and who cherishes your friendship?  Someone you can share your heart with and be secure?  Someone who will do you good and not evil all the days of your life?  Someone who will never reveal your secrets to others and will never shame you?  Someone who will always be there for you?

And I offer you more.  I will heal you, prosper you, protect you, direct you, and tell you of the things to come.  Who else can do that for you?  No one!  Only your creator and your one true God.  And that is Me!  No other.  I will not give My glory to another in your life, I want you to be Mine!

Won’t you fellowship with Me?  I stretch out My Hands all day long to you.  Please do not say you are too busy to talk with Me.  Talk with Me anywhere and everywhere but make some time when we can enjoy time with just the two of us together.  You do this for people you feel attracted to who are mere mortals, and that is good for I send good people to you just as I made Eve and Adam for one another, but do not neglect Me.  I should be more real to you than anyone else.  Love and value people but give your heart to Me.  I am the only one who knows how to take care of it, heal it if it is broken, and fill it with light, love and peace. The woman by the well had had five husbands and was living with a man she was not married to when she encountered Jesus, and the seventh man gave her living water to drink that became a well spring of delight in her spirit so that she never thirsted again. Jesus is your shabbat, He is your rest, when you find Him your find eternal life. But she also found fellowship with One who knew everything about her and did not condemn her but revealed Himself to her as Messiah and Lord. The One who had come to rescue her from her darkness into His marvelous light.

“Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done; this is not the Messiah, is it?” They went out of the city, and were coming to Him. John 4:29-30.

To be fruitful and a true success you need to listen to My Words and do them.  You must abide in Me and Me in you and when My Word remains in you and you remain in My Word, and that is fellowship, you may ask what you will and it will be done for you. John 15:7.  And then My joy will be in you and your joy will be complete.  John 15:11. And I come to make My abode with you. John 14:23.

The saddest life is the one that has no fellowship with Me. It is a barren and lonely life. The most tragic thing in your life would be to stop hearing My voice and fellowshipping with Me. This is what happened to Saul, the first king of Israel and his life ended in tragedy and darkness. Those who had the most victorious and fruitful lives were those who fellowshipped with Me.  Their lives were beautiful.

It is the better part. And if you have chosen the better part, it shall not be taken from you.

Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word.But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.” But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42.

If you call upon Me I will answer you and tell you great and mighty things you cannot know.  And if you seek Me with all your heart you will find Me with you.

It is your choice.

You were made for fellowship with Me.  For abiding in Me as a branch in the vine.  To draw all you need from My grace, from My divine life flowing into you.  I walked in the Garden with the first man and woman and we had sweet fellowship.  From the very first I consulted with Adam and let him name all the animals and he had dominion over them all. I was able to impart knowledge and skill to him to an amazing degree.  We had unity and fellowship.  It was sweet and peaceful.

But then he chose to cut himself off from Me and to listen to the voice of another who did not have his best interests at heart and he withered like a branch cut off from the vine alone and dry on the ground, bearing no fruit and good only for fire wood.  His life was no longer triumphant and beautiful.  And this affected all his posterity, strife and evil began.

But to those who opened their hearts to Me when I knocked to enter a whole new world began.  I could then give them beauty for their ashes, restore the lost years, and give them wisdom and understanding, open doors for them of prosperity, promotion and victory.  I could impart skill to them and give them fruitful lives.  They could bear much fruit once back on the vine.  And Jesus told you how to abide in the vine—abide in My Words and let My Words remain in you.

Fellowship with Me.  Read and meditate on My Words and My Words will speak to you until you can discern My voice and fellowship with Me by My Spirit dwelling in you.

Solomon asked Me for a “hearing heart” at the beginning of his reign and we had sweet fellowship. I appeared to him and I shared My secrets with him.  He was then most victorious, and his kingdom was prosperous and peaceful.  But later in his life he changed.  He hardened his heart to Me and refused to continue listening to My voice.  He did unwise things that caused adversaries to rise against him and his peaceful reign was no longer so.  1 Kings 11.  And this caused the united Israel to divide and never to reunite again until now. It was the beginning of Israel’s fall and exile.  And it all comes from refusing to fellowship with Me.  For when you do that, you have lost your source of all that is good, indeed your source of life itself.

Samuel fellowshipped with Me.  He listened to My voice and I revealed Myself to him in My Word.  And he got so he could recognize My voice immediately and follow whatever I told him.  And he had a beautiful life and he led all Israel back to Me.  He was greatly honored by all Israel when he died.

Samson on the other hand was called and gifted but he did not fellowship with Me or abide in My Word.  He was rebellious to My Word.  And by this he destroyed his life.  And he was not honored when he died but was a captive who had been blinded by his enemies.  He did finally turn to Me again at the end though and I answered his prayer.  But he could have saved himself so much heart ache and hardship.  But he would not listen.

Enoch fellowshipped with Me and I took him with Me.  Noah fellowshipped with Me and did as I warned him and he lived an amazing life of extraordinary favor.  By heeding My voice he did not perish in the flood but became the heir of the world.

Abraham also found the benefits of fellowshipping with Me, the source of all good things and perfect gifts.  It made him very rich in gold, silver, cattle and possessions.  I blessed him and through him blessed every person on earth.  I called him My friend.  I told him of the things to come and preached the Gospel to him beforehand.  I credited his faith to him as righteousness.  All from listening to My voice and following what I told him.  A friend and branch on the vine.

Daniel fellowshipped with Me constantly and I was able to impart knowledge and skill to him that made him advisor to kings who were pagans and to prosper as a prisoner of war.  It also preserved his life in a den of hungry lions.  Fellowshipping with Me has great rewards.  I am able to protect you who seek refuge under My Wings.

My Son wept over Jerusalem because its people refused to fellowship with Him and heed His voice.  He is My Word made flesh and I speak to you through Him.  So in rejecting Him they rejected Me and I was not able to gather them under My wings and protect them from the Roman armies who destroyed their temple and their city.

David fellowshipped with Me perhaps more than anyone under the Old Covenant except Abraham.  He sang to Me, praised Me, loved Me, consulted Me, and worshipped Me.  And I gave him a lot of input and battle strategies.  His life was victorious and fruitful.

On the other hand, Saul’s was not.  At first he did listen to Me and was humble but after becoming king his heart became proud and jealous of his power.  He did evil and refused to listen to Me any further.  He did not obey My prophet Samuel’s words from Me and eventually he could no longer hear My voice or understand direction I gave him.  He consulted a medium.  He had hardened his heart too long and finally he could not hear Me.  His life was not beautiful but one filled with ambition, jealousy, and anger.  He was not attached to the vine.

Judas did not have sweet fellowship with Jesus.  He hardened his heart and stole from the common purse.  He called My Son “rabbi” when the other disciples called My Son “Lord.”  He betrayed him.  He hardened his heart.  And then he could not hear My forgiveness and love for him. He took his life.  It would have been better for him never to be born.  If only he had heeded My voice.

John, My beloved disciple, had sweet fellowship with Jesus and nothing could conquer him or cause him to fear.  He had a beautiful and fruitful life.  I entrusted Mary to his care.  I revealed to him all that was to come.

If today you hear My voice, harden not your hearts.  It cost the Israelites who came out of Egypt the Promised Land.  Except for Joshua and Caleb, who listened to and fellowshipped with Me, the majority never entered My rest but their children did.  Their children had ears to hear and hearts open to Me.

Paul heard My voice and he listened and changed his life.  He lived from then on for Me.  And we had sweet fellowship, which he made use of to convert the gentiles to the faith and to deliver him out of all difficulties and trials.  And our fellowship made him powerful—even handkerchiefs touched to him healed the sick and raised the dead.

Herod on the other hand refused to heed My voice when I reached out to him in John the Baptist and Jesus and he died a terrible death.  Pilate was the same, he refused My Word from both Jesus and his wife and he also had a tragic end.

But to those who heed My voice and fellowship with Me, I give the Kingdom. And though they are in the world, they are not of the world.  They know healing and perfect protection. I feed them in times of famine.  I have My eye upon them and show Myself strong in their behalf.  No weapon formed against them will prosper and they will prove every tongue raised against them false.

Blessed are you who have eyes to see and ears to hear.  I can heal you, deliver you, prosper you, and make your life beautiful, the most beautiful life ever lived.

It is there for you if you want it.  Just remain in My Word and let it remain in you.  Listen like Mary did to Jesus while Martha was too busy with other things.  It is the better part.

If today you hear My voice, harden not your heart.  Fellowship with Me is the best and highest good.

I have always longed to be with you, dwell with you, and be your God. It all started in the Garden of Eden, and found expression in the Tabernacle of Moses as I traveled with and camped among My people, and then Jesus came as My Word dwelling among you and since then each believer has become My tabernacle. 1 Corinthians 3:16. And in the age to come, My heavenly city will join with earth and I will dwell among you forever.

I love you.  Talk with Me, consult Me, ask Me questions, and cast your cares upon Me.  Be aware of Me at all times.  You were made to fellowship with Me.  Come to Me and rest. Let us spend time together.  Let us reason together.  Isaiah 1:18-19.