There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. We love, because He first loved us. 1 John 4:8-9.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God (אלהים) says:
The sanctified life if free from fear. Fear has to do with the unknown, but the anointing teaches you all things.
You should have no fear of anything that comes against you that tests or tries your faith. Why is that? Do you recall when you took exams in school or to become certified for a particular job or position that someone who is going to grade that exam has the answer book? If you could only have the answer book you would score 100% every time.
Well, in the case of all that comes against you in this world, you already have the answer book. Yes, you do. It is called the Holy Bible, also referred to as My Word. It is My Word written for you.
Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. It is not up in heaven, so that you have to ask, “Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask, “Who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it. Deuteronomy 30:11-14.
And I have put My Spirit in you and on you to remind you of all I have said and to show you the things to come. He will tell you what to say if you ask Him by quickening a Scripture in your spirit that gives you the exact words you need that no one can take exception to or contradict. In fact, I will generally give you two or three Scriptures that give you the answer because every fact is established by two or three witnesses.
But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. Luke 21:14-15.
I give you the peace of Christ and the mind of Christ. John 14:27; 1 Corinthians 2:16. A believer should never be in fear or anxiety.
My peace I give you, My peace I leave you, do not let your hearts be troubled, do not let them be afraid. This is not a suggestion, it is a command.
Jesus came to set the captives free. The one the Son sets free is free indeed.
If you are a believer you are free. Do you believe that? Do you act like it?
If you are worried, in anxiety or afraid you are disobedient. I tell you over and over in My Word not to fear for I am with you, I tell you over and over not to worry about tomorrow but seek Me and all will be supplied to you, I tell you to cast all your cares on Me because I care for you, and I tell you not to fret or be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, make your requests known to Me, with thanksgiving, and My peace will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Your part is not to let your hearts be troubled or afraid. It is your part to cast you cares on Me and to walk in faith.
How do you do this? By not considering anything but My Word to you. Like Abraham. He did not consider his or Sarah’s aged bodies but was strong in faith that he would have a son because He had My Word to him on it. And he was fully persuaded that what I promised I would perform. He did not waiver in unbelief but stood up and believed Me and he and Sarah received their miracle, they had a son even in their old age.
You need to be single minded when it comes to My Word. Circumstances and symptoms should not move you. You should consider your Healer not the illness. You should consider your provider, not your bills. Take no thought saying, “What are we going to eat and what are we going to wear?” but seek first My Kingdom and all these things will be provided for you.
I expect you to follow these instructions and not to turn to the right or to the left. Joshua 1:7. If you are in fear or anxiety you are looking at the wrong things and thinking the wrong thoughts. You are being disobedient to My Word. I never tell you to fear or be anxious. I tell you NOT to fear or be anxious about anything.
I tell you to keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. And Jesus is My Word. And if you want a miracle you have to do what I have told you to do. It is not complicated. In most situations My Word gives you only one thing to think about and look at. You should not be confused. It is like a menu with one choice for dinner. If you are hungry it is not confusing what you should choose.
It is possible to never be afraid your whole life. You have My peace, you have the Mind of Christ, you have My Spirit, and you have Me. Greater is He in you then He who is in the world. I always cause you to triumph in Christ and I have given you the victory in Christ Jesus. Death cannot keep you down. I give you eternal life. You can do all things in Christ who strengthens you and nothing is impossible for those who believe.
If I am with you, who can be against you? There is no one above Me.
Look away from what is scaring you and look at Jesus. Obey My Word and you can enjoy your life with no fear.
This is how I showed My love among you: I sent My Son into the world that you might live through Him. That gives you all the treasures of riches and knowledge for they are in Christ and you can live your life out through His Name, His life, and His power. Living through Him you have His peace. And Jesus had great peace. He was not scared or troubled. He always knew what I wanted Him to do and He refused to consider anything else. He only spoke My Words and did My works. He did not let His mind meditate on anything else. His life was not confused or complicated. He only gave Himself one option—one choice—and that was to do My Will rather than His own. It made Him peaceful and powerful.
Many of you get robbed of your miracles by considering too many things and getting into fear.
Do not talk so much about how you feel, what you look like, and the bad reports you hear. Faith is not based on feelings, what you see, or circumstances. It takes those things and changes them. My Word does not return to Me void but achieves the purpose for which I sent it when you put it to work in your life and return it to Me.
Do you remember when My Son walked on the water to join the disciples in their boat on the Sea of Galilee? Matthew 14:22-33. When the disciples saw Him walking on the water they were not filled with faith but with fear. Faith does not come by seeing miracles but by hearing My Word and choosing to believe it as true in your heart. The disciples cried out and My Son told them to take courage as it was Him and He told them not to be afraid. This was not a choice, He told them not to be afraid. If I tell you not to fear you need to obey right away. Do not say you are trying but it is too hard. What I tell you to do, I give you the power to do. I gave you My peace and the mind of Christ. You can stop fear in your mind the minute it starts.
It is a choice not to fear. Replace thoughts of fear with faith in My Word. The only time I get upset with people is when they act without faith—when they refuse to believe My Word such as healing, forgiveness, provision, or prosperity. I call these hardened hearts.
Renew your mind. You have to believe that you can think on what I tell you to think on and not think on what I tell you not to think on. And I tell you not to worry and I tell you to be anxious for nothing.
Peter questioned My Son and asked Him to prove it was really He by commanding him to come to My Son on the water. At his request, My Son told Peter to come to Him across the water. Peter had My Word to him. He got out of the boat and began to walk on the water. But even though he started out in faith, he then considered other things. He considered the wind and the danger of walking on water, he took his eyes off Jesus, off My Word, and considered other things that looked contrary to My Word to him and he became frightened. Matthew 14:30. He disobeyed My Word, I told him not to be afraid. He stepped out of his miracle and began to sink. But he called out to My Son to save him. Jesus did so immediately but He called Peter a man of little faith and asked him why he doubted. I uphold you but I expect you to trust Me and act in faith.
It really is not complicated. Just do the thing I tell you to do and leave the rest to Me. Do not worry about things. It does not accomplish anything and causes you to lose your miracle.
I love you, you have nothing to fear.