“Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3-4.

Today your LORD (יהוה) God (אלהים) says:

The disciples of Jesus, while He was walking with you as one like you, were often vying with one another for positions of greatness above others. They were still worldly minded and were looking for their own glory. But I will say they realized that Jesus has the authority to give them greatness in the Kingdom. And faith in Him pleases Me.

One day they asked Jesus a question that was on their minds, “Who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” And Jesus gave them an answer they definitely were not expecting, He called a little child to Himself and set him before them, and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:3-6.

The narrow way that leads to life which few find is the way of entrance to the Kingdom so it must be that it is the way of becoming as children. I do tell you that when you are born again from above by receiving My Son as your Lord you become My children and joint heirs with Christ. But I also have told you that you must mature from the childhood stage of spiritual development to become perfect as I am perfect. So why would I tell you that you must become like little children to enter My Kingdom? It is about certain outstanding characteristics of children that assure your entrance into eternal life.

Little children realize they are not their own source but that does not bother them because they know they have a source they can go to for everything and it will be freely given them. Little children are humble and easily taught. Little children look forward with joy and hope and not back with regret. Little children are pure and uncorrupted. Little children enjoy things and laugh a lot.

Have you ever taught or worked with children?  They are very open and clear.  By that I mean they are not difficult to communicate with in an open and honest way. They can connect with you and you can tell them things that they take in without questioning.  They are not filtering things through a clouded filter.  They are not troubled by preconceived mindsets that hold them back from looking at new frontiers.  They are ready to try new things.  And they are happy to learn new things.

Children are not depressed.  Children are looking forward with hope.  Children have joy.  You can teach them a song and a dance and they will sing and dance.

It is not like that with many adults.  You cannot look into their eyes and see a clear, unclouded gaze returned to you as you do with a child.  It is covered and clouded.

A child is carefree and joyful.  Why is that?  Because he knows he cannot care for himself and he knows he does not have to.  He looks to a higher level, usually his parent, for everything he needs and he knows it will be there when he needs it.  A mother cares for her child even above herself and so does a father.  Parents go to work every day to pay for the things their children need while their little children have a great time staying home and playing all day.  No one expects any more of a small child than that.

Why is it then that as people grow older they lose that joy of life, that freshness, that clarity, that innocence, that purity, that they had as a child?  I will tell you the primary reasons people lose that carefree joy:  the cares and anxieties of thinking that they are their own provider with no higher level to refer to and disappointment in choices they have made, and that others have made, that hurt them.  Like thorns and thistles in the wheat, the cares of this life choke off that unclouded joy.

But I tell you that you must again become as little children to enter My Kingdom.  So it should be important to you to know how to do this if you want to enter My Kingdom.  And if I tell you that you must do that, you know that My Word gives you the power to enable you to do that.

How do you do it?

Look at the Beatitudes from My Son’s Sermon on the Mount.  They describe what it means to become as little children. Let Me walk you through a few of them now.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

That is the first beatitude.  Remember I said the Kingdom of Heaven belonged to little children?  They know they are not their own source.  They know that of themselves they can do nothing.  They depend on their parents or some adult guardian for their sustenance and well being.  To become like a little child then you must realize that you are like the child, that you can do nothing of yourself that you depend on a higher source than yourself. That is being poor in spirit.

Know that there is a higher level at which you could be directing your gaze to meet your needs rather than just directing it to yourself.  To be as a child and turn back to your carefree joy, you must come to know Me as the LORD your Provider, the LORD your Shepherd, the LORD your Father, and the LORD your Healer.

And you must rest in that.  Jesus is LORD of the Sabbath. He is your Sabbath rest. Come all who are burdened and weary and you will find rest in Him.  His yoke is easy and His burden light—the parent puts no heavy burden on his little child, he knows the child is incapable of carrying it.  The parent carries it for the child.

You must learn to be anxious for nothing but in everything to come to Me in prayer and petition with thanksgiving and make your requests known to Me. Little children are not bashful to make great demands on you of what they want because they are not concerned about the cost of things like their parents are. Cost means nothing to them, they just know what they want.

Realizing that of yourself you can do nothing, but with Me you can do all things is key.  By knowing that you do not have to provide for yourself that you have a higher source who owns everything and can care for you, if, like the child, you are willing and obey, and you stay under the protection and authority of your source.

If a child runs away from his home, he finds that he cannot of himself provide for himself in any good way.

A child who stays under a parent’s authority can cast all his or her cares on the parent because the parent cares for and has responsibility to care for that child.

But with Me as your Father it is even better for nothing is too hard for Me.  Nothing is impossible with Me.  And I have an unending source of supply for you that will never run out but will continually overflow!  If you know how to give your children good things, how much more will I give them to you who ask!

You cast all your cares on Me because I care for you and I have the responsibility to look after all who are My children.

That is being poor in spirit—humbling yourself like a little child by acknowledging and embracing your inadequacy to meet your own needs and responsibilities as you rest in Me with joy.

Let us look at a few other Beatitudes.

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”

A little child is pure in heart.  There is no guile or impurity in his heart.  It is clear and uncluttered.  And to the pure all things are pure.  And I tell you their angels constantly behold My Face.  Clear your filter by renewing your mind.  Replace the vile with the pure milk of My Word.

My Word cleans you.  My Word purifies you and refines and redefines you. There are great benefits in reading, hearing and speaking My Word. And My Word became flesh and bled for you to cleanse you of all unrighteousness.

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

These two go together in children.  Children are quick to forgive and quick to reconcile.  They do not hold anger for any period of time.  A quick burst and all is over.  They quickly forget that any tears were shed.  A child is not comfortable in a strife-filled atmosphere.  When his mother and father fight, he tries to intervene. He will stretch out his little hands and try to make it all right.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

Children are eager to learn.  They do not think they know it all.  They hunger for knowledge and draw it in with open mouth.  They are full of questions, seeking knowledge of the truth. And they trust the parent has the answers they seek.

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”

A little child is meek.  That is, not proud and rebellious but humble and docile.  And the kingdoms of earth will become My Kingdom upon the second coming of Christ and I will give them over to the saints.  Daniel 7:27.

Children are not complainers.  They enjoy things and laugh a lot.  They will find little things very entertaining—even tossing a ball made of a crumpled up piece of paper at one another

And when you tell a child that he is going to get a great reward, he believes you and jumps with joy, hardly able to wait until the reward comes.  Matthew 5:12.

A child knows how to laugh, rejoice and anticipate good, even in trying circumstances.  A child looks forward with hope. A child daydreams of who and what he will be when he “grows up.”

And you have something far more wonderful, powerful and beautiful than you can even think, imagine or dream waiting for you in your future in My Kingdom. And My Kingdom is coming to join with earth very soon.  Have you discerned the signs of the times?

And I can hardly wait to come and dwell in your midst as we behold each other face to face.  And My glory will light your life and fill you with joy unspeakable.  As you gaze at the vistas before you, your heart will overflow—love without limits is My covenant with you.  Enduring forever, holy, faithful and true.

And you will sing there as you did in the days of your youth. And that will turn your valley of trouble into a door of hope.

So be at peace and relax.  You can rest in Me without anxiety and fear.  I will do great things in you and for you.  Be as a little child with his loving parent. A loving parent will give his life for the wellbeing of the child.  I did.  I gave you Jesus.

I love you.  You must become as little children to enter My Kingdom, but it is a wonderful way to be.  You can again be filled with carefree joy and have a parent who will look after all your needs.  And I will do so in Christ Jesus according to My riches in glory!