And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2.

Today your LORD (יהוה) God (אלהים) says:

When you believed in the good news of your salvation in Jesus and confessed Him as Lord, your spirit was born again by the implanted Word and you became a new creation in Christ seated in the spirit with Him at My right hand. However, though your spirit is born again as alive to Me and dead to sin unless you set your mind up there with Him as well you will not overcome the world, you will be conformed rather than transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Colossians 3:1-2.

You will never overcome unless you renew your mind. Without getting your mind in line with your born again spirit you will never be able to rebuke Satan or ever stand strong through a storm. You are no longer a slave to sin and death but a free man walking above the curse and not beneath. You are to think like I do and to do that you must take My thoughts as your own.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; so will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:8-11.

When a slave is set free he has to be trained in the ways of a free man or he will continue to think and act like a slave.  He may have hated being a slave, but it is the only way he knows how to operate because he has lived under bondage his whole life until now.

A freed slave does not automatically know how to conduct himself as a free man.  He does not know yet how to make independent decisions because that is something he has never been required or allowed to do.

He has to renew his mind. He can no longer conform to a slave’s ways.  He must be transformed by the renewal of his mind into another way of thinking until he reaches another level of being.

He has to learn to monitor his own actions.

At first one who has only known bondage will not be comfortable with being free and is tempted to return to slavery just because it is more familiar to him.  When I freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, as I led them through the desert, I tried to train them to be a free and mighty people but it was difficult because when they were the least bit uncomfortable they were always looking back to return to what they were familiar with though they had hated it.

Those who are accustomed to slavery will either be tempted to return to it or to make freedom like slavery again.  And it grieves Me to say that religious tradition has done this to people and kept them from achieving the great works I had prepared for them to do.  My yoke is easy and My burden light.  Do not forget that and let heavy burdens be laid upon you in the name of religion.

It was for freedom that Christ freed you; do not return to bondage a second time.  Begin to operate like Me.  Independently good.  Making wise choices.  Exercising self control.

Do not serve from outward constraints, that is the way of a slave, rather operate out of inner control and set that control on love as a free man.  Love renews your mind.

Now I will tell you the easiest way to become a mature free person that is fruitful and acts with authority.  You must be transformed by the renewal of your mind.  Let Me explain to you how to do this.  It is really an easy process but it takes serious commitment and effort on your part or My part will not fit.

First, you cannot be conformed to this world’s mindset, which is essentially a life that tries to achieve its goals without Me, and be free.  The world system is one based on greed, lust, self seeking, and fruitless activities that do not bless people or cause them to achieve wonderful and mighty works.  The mindset of the world induces fear, anxiety, strife and selfish ambition and tends to keep all but a few from accomplishing anything extraordinary.

If you look at and listen to the shows, conversations, and teachings of those who deny Me or are just indifferent to Me and My Word, then you will become conformed to the mindset of the world.  And that tends to darkness rather than light.  It tends to violence, injustice, lies, and oppression.  It tends towards depression and addictions.

Instead, be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Instead of conforming with the world’s way of thinking and doing things, which will put you back in slavery, change your way of thinking to Mine.  If you continue in My Word you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

How do you think My thoughts which are free and powerful?  I tell you in many places in My Word but Psalm 1 has the basics of what you need to do.  You do not follow the counsel of the ungodly or sit in the company of scoffers and those who scorn My power but you meditate on My Word day and night until it becomes not only your way of thinking but your way of being.  This is not just conforming to My Word, this is transforming into My Word.

And My Word tells you that when you do this, you become like a tree planted near streams of water that yields its fruit in season and its leaves never wither.  Whatever you do prospers.  That is a promise you can take hold of and have if you delight in My Word and meditate on it day and night. And My thoughts are peaceful and sweet.  There is no malice or harshness in My thoughts.  I think in love, talk in love, and walk in love.  I am love.  Let My thoughts flow into you, for I have written My law (My love letter to you) in your hearts.  Draw on it and shut out the world’s bitterness and unforgiveness.  And your life will be fruitful, not a dry and withered branch, for you have tapped into the source of living water, which is My Word and My Spirit. And once you have begun to share My thoughts, greater revelation will come.  And this is where life gets exciting.

Joshua and David both knew this truth and did it.  And they were able to discern My perfect Will and walk in victory and prosperity. Whatever they did was successful and prospered.  Why?  They no longer thought as the world does but shared My thoughts, dreams and visions.  They both stopped walking in the flesh, that is, only by what they saw and what their emotions told them, which brings death, and began walking in the spirit, that is, by faith, which brings life and peace.

It is the thoughts you sow that will produce the harvest in your life.  You have to monitor your thoughts day and night.  And you can take every thought captive for Christ.  You can control your thoughts by simply refusing to dwell on anything but My Word and My thoughts—both from My written Word and those received in your spirit from My Spirit.  For My sheep hear My voice.

If your thoughts are fruitful and pure, you will be fruitful and pure.  If you are looking into the light, you will be filled with light.  If you are looking into the darkness, how deep will that darkness be!

So fix your minds above on what is excellent, praise worthy, and honorable where Christ is seated at My right hand and not on what is down in the dirt below—the obscene, rude, scornful, judgmental, fearful, and callous thoughts and words of the world, for it is there the devil crawls.  Do not be conformed to this world, block your ears to it and guard your hearts with all diligence, but be transformed by the renewal of your minds to the life that is free indeed.

And you can know My thoughts and share My dreams!  You may ask how you can do this.  But I tell you in My Word.

I am not speaking of the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.  No, I am speaking of My own wisdom which I freely give to those who ask Me for it.  For no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human mind has conceived (by walking in conformity to this world) the things that I have prepared for those who love Me– but I reveal these things to you by My Spirit.

You see, My Spirit searches all things, and knows My thoughts. It is only your own spirit within you who truly knows your innermost thoughts and dreams, the real you.  In the same way no one knows My thoughts except My Spirit.  So when I give you revelation you will not receive it by the spirit of the world, but My Spirit, so that you may understand what I have freely given you.

Those in conformity with the world, thinking worldly idle thoughts giving no place to Me do not accept the things that come from My Spirit but consider them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.

But if you are meditating on My Word day and night, you become what you are hearing and seeing.  When My Word is the way you think, you have the mind of Christ.  The mind of the anointed one.  All He spoke and did was My Word.  And He was powerful!   And so will you be for no Word of Mine is void of power. My Words to you, My commands to you, are enablers– not outside laws that you must observe.  When I tell you to do something I give you the power in those words to do it.  When I said “light be,” light was.  When I say to you “Be strong” I put My strength in you. So My Word will give you grace, strength, wisdom and skill to carry out and to do whatever I tell you.  So when you find a promise, a command, or a direction, shout for joy for it means there is power in those words, when returned to Me by you, to enable you to carry them out.

I love you. Share My thoughts until you become the person you were created to be—in My image, strong, brave and free.  Transformed, not conformed, by the renewal of your mind.  Out of slavery to freedom. From the conquered to the conqueror, from the victim so the victor. Satan can never win over a renewed mind because you are walking in the spirit and not in the flesh. He can only trap you by the flesh, and that is an unrenewed mind. Metamorphosis has not taken place, only when the mind is renewed are you transformed to the overcomer I made you to be.