Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10.
For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
Today I would like to talk with you about assignments—your assignments. To every person I have given a special gift to be used for the benefit of all. 1 Peter 4:10.
I have prepared a life of good deeds for each of you. Ephesians 2:10. I prepared it before you were ever born, since the foundation of the world. Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, I knew you. Jeremiah 1:5. Life begins BEFORE conception in that I planned you and called your name before you came to be physically. And I made plans to prosper you, to give you a future filled with hope. Jeremiah 29:11. Your name is written in Heaven. Luke 10:20.
In your life you will have many assignments each day, but they are all parts of your major assignment, which is the lasting work I have given you to do, primarily I have called you into partnership with Jesus to do the works He did and greater. But your assignments and gifts are varied and appropriate for your time and place. Your gifts are special for your assignment in the Body of Christ, in My plan of salvation. You will be only happy in that assignment. I have given you grace to empower you in a particular place and time. You are not where you are by accident.
Your assignment is particularly suited to you. It is you. Fashioned and planned for you with care. No one else will be the same in it. It is as unique as your fingerprints. You will be happy in it. You will have peace in it. It will have trials, like anything since Adam brought the curse into the earth by submitting to the devil and giving the devil his dominion authority, but you will be an overcomer. When you are in your place you can operate in My grace.
You may be asking how you find your place, how you find your grace, that is, how you know your assignment.
First, let Me clear up something with you that is believed by many people but is false. And that is that My Will is mysterious and hard to know, that I hide My Will from you and that it is up to you to try and find it all on your own. This is not the case. I tell you in My Word that you can know My Will at all times. Romans 12:1-2. I am not hiding it from you. I want you to prosper and be fruitful, with fruit that will remain. I have a life of good deeds for you that you may walk in, I do not wish them to lie dormant and undone. I am a King and I operate a Kingdom, a government, I need all My people about Kingdom business so that the Kingdom is flourishing and growing. The well being of the citizens is the glory of a Kingdom.
Your assignment, no matter how varied, will always promote the goal of salvation in every situation. The manifestation of THE BLESSING. You are blessed to be a blessing.
I want you to remember this and never forget it: I am not some task master or distant King– I am your Father. And a Father wants the best for his children, and he wants to guide and instruct them. That is his duty. Besides being your God and your Father, I tell you many times in My Word that I am your Shepherd, your guide, your Wonderful Counselor, your Lover, your friend and your spouse. I am there for you. I am there with you. You have nothing to fear. You can rest in Me. You can be at home with Me. You can come to Me for counsel and comfort. You need never feel insecure or alone for you are always in Me and I in you. I am your true home wherever you are.
So do not try to find My Will for your life without Me. You need to consult Me, your Father, your Shepherd, and your God. I am a living God. I have ears for you and eyes upon you. You are not out there on your own searching around for My Will. Let Me write your future with you. Let Me give you direction, instruction, and correction every moment of every day. I call you into partnership with My Son.
Let us do things together. Do things with Me, not just for Me.
Now, down to the “how to.”
In My Word I tell you those who are My children are led by My Spirit. So, be led. (First make sure you are My child, that is, you have submitted to My jurisdiction by taking My Son as your LORD.) My Holy Spirit will guide you to all Truth (My Word is truth) and tell you of the things to come.
So, My Spirit will first guide you to My written Word. That is the place to begin learning My Will and how to be led so that you find My individual and particular plan for your happiness. So you do not miss being fulfilled and fruitful.
In My Word, I tell you to be mindful of Me in all your ways and I will direct your steps. That means be connected to Me by being aware of My presence in you and to obey My Word as your highest authority rather than the words of the world and the devil. Then be sure I will direct you. And ask Me for wisdom, direction and guidance. I tell you to ask and you shall receive, to seek and you shall find, and to knock and you shall enter. I tell you to ask for wisdom (that is, knowing the right thing to do at the right time) and I will give it to you generously. My Word is truth.
You will find much direction in My Word, the Bible, that is most helpful in setting your course. What do I tell you to do? Are you doing it so you can be entrusted with greater things and more and more responsibility?
I tell you that My Will is that you do justice, that you release the oppressed and never oppress those who work for you or live with you. I tell you not to cheat others or take advantage of them. I tell you not to lie. I tell you to honor your father and mother, government officials, and those in authority. I tell you to work quietly and diligently. I tell you to work and not steal so that you have something to share with others. I tell you to be My witnesses in the world and tell the good news. I tell you to act kindly, speaking the truth in love, without malice, slander or strife. I tell you to be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. I tell you to rejoice always in Me, to pray without ceasing and to render constant thanks. I tell you not to murder, commit adultery or fornication, not to steal, and not to be jealous or greedy. And I give you the grace to do all these things as a new creation in Christ, for I write My law in your heart and pour My love into your heart by the Holy Spirit in you.
But above all I tell you to remain in My Word and to let it remain in you. I tell you to attach to Jesus, the Vine, and His love and life will pour into you and you will be able to walk in the way of love. I tell you to keep your eyes on Jesus. And the more you do, the more My Spirit in you will transform you from glory to glory and set you free from all that would keep you from running your race and reaching your goal.
If you do this you are doing My Will.
And once you have made a decision to obey Me and walk in love and purity, then you stay on the right path and the good things I have for you will intercept you on the path. Doing My Will in small things leads to bigger things. The path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter until it reaches perfect day. Then you will know, even as you are known.
If you get off the right path by sin and disobedience to My Word, you are out of perfect protection and are open to interception from the evil one. There you will miss My Plan for your life. There you will not ultimately be fruitful or find happiness. That is not My Will for you but you can live your whole life that way and that life is set in motion by disobedience to My Word, even in small things. Sexual immorality, abortion, jealousy, depression, greed, anger can all put you off the right track and out of your place and your grace.
But if you are living in disobedience at this time do not despair. You can get back on the right path today. Just repent, confess your sins, and make up your mind to begin being obedient so that you can have the good of the land, your promised land, your wealthy place where you can enter My rest and your life will flow.
Just get your eyes back on Jesus and head for My throne.
If you walk in the dark you stumble over things. But if you walk in the Light, you can see where you are going and you do not stumble.
I am Light. And I have given you the Light of the world in Jesus, no follower of His will ever walk in darkness. No, he will have the light of life. In My light you see light. If you walk there by obeying My Word you will find your place and operate in your grace.
So it all starts by remaining in and obeying My Word by keeping it in your mind day and night. Be constantly aware that I am with you to bless you in all your ways. This is the wisest choice you can make to prosper yourself. Give Me My place over you and you take your place under Me, then you can put the devil in his place, which is under your feet. Submit to Me, resist the devil and he will take flight. Exercise the authority of the believer over the world.
And once you do that, you will find yourself in Scripture. Jesus did. He read it out from the passage in Isaiah as He began His ministry in the synagogue in Nazareth. He read the passage that foretold Him: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19; Isaiah 61:1-2. John the Baptist found himself in Scripture, he also quoted Isaiah: “I am the voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’” John 1:23; Isaiah 40:3.
Just as all the parts of your body do not have the same function, so in Christ you who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others, but you each have different gifts, according to My grace given to you. Recognize your gifts, if it is prophesying, then use it in proportion to your faith. If it is serving, then serve others with joy, if it is teaching, then you should teach, if it is encouraging, then encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, then do it generously; if it is leadership, then govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, then do it cheerfully. Do what you enjoy and do it with excellence by My grace. This is living for the praise of My glory by completing the Kingdom work I gave you to do.
It all starts by a decision to know and obey My Word at all times as the highest authority in your life, which basically means to walk in love—to give love and receive love every moment of your life. This will keep your feet on the right path where there is protection, provision, direction, instruction and correction. Then your path will intercept, will connect you to, the right people, the right places, and the right things at just the right time.
Do not worry about it. My Word is truth. I watch over My Word to perform it. Many are the trials of the just man, but I deliver him out of them all. Psalm 34:19. Those who seek Me lack no good thing. Psalm 34:10. And when you seek Me, you find Me right there with you. Jeremiah 29:11-13.
Let My Spirit lead you in the great work of salvation—and if you are willing, I will give you many assignments each day to lead people to Jesus so that they can be reconciled to Me. You are My ambassadors and ministers of reconciliation, reconciling sinners to Me. You are also a royal priesthood interceding for others and the nations. You have a kingdom job to do. You are always “on call.”
I love you. Be mindful of Me and I will direct your path. Call to Me and I will tell you great and mighty things you could not know. I am your Father, your Shepherd, and your wonderful Counselor. Be led. And know that the ultimate and most important plan I have for your life is union with Me. Seek My Face. Eternal life is knowing Me and the One I sent, Jesus Christ. And that is the one thing necessary. Do this and you shall live an abundant and fruitful life. All good things return from love.
One Word from Me can open up your destiny, and that one Word is Love, for as you follow Me, directed you will be along the pathway for your life.