The LORD will stretch forth the rod of Your strength from Zion, saying, “Rule in the midst of Your enemies.” Psalm 110:2.
“The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works.” John 14:10.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
You are not to live in reaction, you are to take action. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, you are to live your life through Him and reign in life. Romans 5:17. He did not react to storms, He shut them down by His Word. He took the position of authority and not of struggle. And I gave man that position of dominion over the works of My hands from the very first Words I spoke to you.
Jesus did not react to the devil. He simply undid his works and shut his activity down. Adam could have done that, but he did not. When the devil came to Jesus trying to entice him against My Words by using My Words, Jesus answered with My Word and then just told Satan to be gone! Eve and Adam did not, they listened and reacted to the devil according to their feelings. And they ruined their lives and the lives of countless others by retreating from their authority and handing it over to another that was not Me, yet I was their true source of power.
But Jesus exemplified what a true man in My image can do. He went about doing good and healing all those oppressed by the devil. And how did He do that? I anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and power. Acts 10:38. And so I do with you. You need only walk it out as He did—in faith and singleness of purpose. It takes a commitment that is Covenant that you will not break no matter what the cost to your self-seeking flesh.
Jesus spoke with authority and not like the scribes and religious leaders of the day. And that authority came through the Word He spoke, but He did not speak on His own initiative, He only spoke My Words and My Words are living and working. He put My Word to work. My Words turned into His works. Jesus explained that to you, “The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works.” John 14:10. Do you see? My Words become works. In Hebrew, the word for My Word is “debar” which also means a material thing. So My Words create physical realities. You know that from Genesis when I spoke all created things into being.
I watch over My Word to perform it, and the performance is yours. Moses had to raise his staff so I could part the sea. Jesus had to call for the bread and fish, raise them up to Me with thanksgiving and blessing, and then the disciples had to hand them out before they multiplied in their hands by My Words of blessing which turned into the work of multiplication.
My arm is not too short to save and it can reach everywhere. But just as Jesus was the arm I reached down to save you, so now are you as His Body. I call on you to execute My Word in the world by your words which turn into actions that bear fruit that restores and blesses My people.
Action not reaction is the key. I see a need and I fill it. I know the end from the beginning and I carry out what is needed in between. You need to know your goal before you start on the journey.
If you live in reaction to others, to trials, and to evil you will be in a constant struggle and a downward spiral because, as My Son told you, you will have trials in this life. The world is not as I made it to be, you gave your lives to another ruler. If you live in reaction to his tactics you will be worn out and become a victim. You will be an easy target and the devil’s prey if he sees he gets a major reaction out of you when he incites certain circumstances and behavior in those around you. You make unwise decisions and grasp whatever seems to be the quickest way to fix your situation. But that is not wisdom from on high. It is devilish, cunning, and results in a final situation that is worse than the first. Like Sarah experienced with Hagar. What was Sarah’s idea for a quick fix to her barrenness caused problems for multiple generations that are still on the forefront today. What she did may look like action, but it was reaction without input from My Word, in fact, she behaved contrary to My Word which was that she would be the mother of Abraham’s son.
Anything done in fear is reaction. Things done in faith are action.
Action is taking authority by My Word to undo a work of the devil which is contrary to what is done in My Kingdom.
It is time to take action against the tactics and snares of the devil in the world system. The current reaction to his tactics is to shut things down and hide in houses of restraint. But this is done in fear. Action is to take authority by My Words and shut him down and take your authority back. But people are afraid to do this in case they fail. But that is self-seeking pride and will never stop the devil or heal anyone. If you hide in holes you are easy prey to the serpent because those are his crevices.
My prophet Isaiah heard My Word and wrote: “But there is a people plundered (buzaz: robbed, despoiled, plundered) and despoiled (shasah: plundered, despoiled), all of them are ensnared (pachach: snare, spread a net) in holes (chuwr: pits, holes, crevice of a serpent), all of them in houses of confinement (kele: confinement, restraint, imprisonment) they are hidden, withdrawn (chaba) they have become prey (baz: booty, robbery, plunder) with none to deliver (natsal: snatch away) and a spoil (meshissah: plunder), and no one says, “shuv” (restitution be made, return and take back, restore, restore in recompense of a crime).” Isaiah 42:22.
Now I will share a Psalm with you that Jesus quoted about Himself, but as He is so are you in this world, and by His blood He has released you from your sins and made you a kingdom of priests unto Me, your God and Father. Revelation 1:5-6. “The LORD (YHWH) says to my Lord (Adonai): ‘Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.’ The LORD will stretch forth the rod of Your strength from Zion, saying, ‘Rule in the midst of Your enemies.’” Psalm 110:1-2.
Even if your household or workplace is filled with people who are acting like the devil, taken captive to do his will, you can rule in the midst of your enemies by the rod of Jesse’s stem. Take authority over those unclean spirits and do not leave your seat with Jesus at My right hand until I put your enemies under your feet. It takes faith and patience but your vindication will come. Not because of your righteousness but because of Mine in which you are clothed and made new and which you actually become. Like Jacob’s son Joseph, you can live a life of power, goodness, and blessing in the midst of your enemies. Those who mean to do you harm and see you as easy prey, will not prevail but will end up bowing at your feet in submission to My Word because in you they have come up against the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the scepter will never leave His hand. You will rule in the midst of your enemies. No weapon formed against you will prosper. When the dust settles you will still be standing strong on the Rock of redemption.
I love you. Take authority. Get My Word and run with it. Do not back down before the enemy, you will find he has put up a smokescreen but he really has no power at all. In Jesus, I disarmed him. Practice your army maneuvers on him and watch him run. Always get the battle strategies from Me, for I am the God of the breakthrough. 2 Samuel 5:19-20.