And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God (אלהים) says:
I make all things work together for good for the saints. For saints are the ones who love Me and are called according to My purpose. In everything My saints are looking for the good, because if they can find the good, they have found Me in every area of their lives. I teach you how to profit and the way you should go. Saints focus on the good, you overcome evil with good.
Do you rejoice over the good things in your life or do you focus primarily on the bad things? Do you see good or evil? Do focus on the pure or the impure? What do you look at in your family? Do you celebrate them or find fault with them? Do you encourage them or demean them? Do find things amazing or mediocre? Are you thankful or ungrateful?
Thank Me for the abundance of things and watch them multiply. Jesus thanked Me for the five loaves and two fish facing a hungry crowd of over five thousand while Andrew saw them as meaningless among so many people. But raising your eyes to Me in thankful praise for the abundance of provision even when it appears small has great results. As it did with Jesus in the multiplication of the loaves and fish, which resulted in super abundance—twelve large baskets full left over after all had eaten and were satisfied.
Small beginnings have greater ends if received with thanksgiving and faithfulness.
And it is then you begin to have your heart and eyes opened to know something truly wonderful that you can have all the time in your life. And what is that? “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.
Yes, today I would like to talk with you about having all things work together for good in your life. You notice I did not say a life free from all trials and tribulations, no, but a life where even those things will end up working together to give you the victory.
My Word is truth so since My Word tells you that I make all things to work together for good to those who love Me, to those who are called according to My purpose you know you can have this in your life. Romans 8:28.
I would like to tell you how this works for you today so you can have this promise.
First, look at the context in which it is written. The lines just before it tell you that the Spirit helps you in your weakness, because you do not know how to pray as you should, but that the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to My Will. Romans 8:26. So you see here I am talking about born again believers who have My Holy Spirit living in them.
The passage we are looking at comes right after speaking of prayer in the Spirit. It begins, “and we know,” you see from this that you must believe what is coming in your heart, that it must be settled with you. And what must you know? “That God causes,” so you must know that I arrange what is coming and that the Spirit has interceded for you to get what follows. And what immediately follows is: “all things to work together for good,” so I cause all things, not just one or two, but I coordinate many things working together so that they work together for good, and by “all things,” I really mean all things, including but not limited to your body parts, weather, your car and other modes of transportation (even connecting flights and travel arrangements), people for tasks that need to be done to bring the plan for your life into being, people in your path you need and who need you, mechanical devices and their parts, the schedule of events in your life so that you are in the right place at the right time— everything you need for life and godliness, physical and spiritual. In other words, all things, including various parts, various objects, finances, personal property, relationships and people, that concern your life.
And then the passage goes on to tell you for whom I make all things work together for good. I know you must be interested in this because you want it to be for you and I want it to work for you also! Well, read on and you will find it states two conditions for being the one that receives this wonderful promise. First, you must be one who loves Me, and second, you must be called according to My purpose.
Let us consider both of these separately though they do go together.
To determine whether you qualify as one who loves Me is very simple. There is only one test I give you in the Bible to determine whether this qualification is met or not. It is this: those who love Me are the ones who obey My Words, who keep My commands. John 14:21, 23– those who do not just cry out “Lord, Lord,” but who actually do My Will by keeping My Word. Not mere hearers only, but doers of My Word. James 1:22.
And you must also be one who is called according to My purpose. This just means that you are busy about your assignment. It is for those who are in My perfect Will, who are fulfilling Kingdom business, which is being about My business, and are furthering My purposes.
For example, it is My Will that all men be saved and come to know the truth. It is also My Will that all prosper and be in good health, even as their souls prosper. So if you are furthering these purposes, then you qualify. This is what I call “fishers of men.”
If you then go on and read further in this passage of Scripture, you will find that I tell you that if I am for you in this way, that is, making all things work together for your good, how can there be anything or anyone coming against you that would harm you? If I make all things work together for your good, I will even take the evil people plot against you and cause it to turn out to your good in the long run—just consider how I did this in the life of Joseph, the son of Jacob, after his brothers did the evil of having him sold in Egypt as a slave.
This makes you more than a conqueror through Me, who loves you. Because when all things work together for your good you are never defeated. That is being more than a conqueror.
I do not play favorites, you are all My favorites, and My perfect law of liberty, My Word, will work for you if you fulfill the conditions to get the promise. I will cause all things to work together for good to you if you meet the following:
- You are a Spirit-filled believer (for whom My Spirit is interceding within your spirit);
- You are a doer of the Word (which shows you love Me)
- You are busy about your assignment in life (called according to My purpose).
Check your heart. Do you fit in all three of these categories? If yes, you can expect and believe that I will cause all things to work together for your good.
If you do not fit in all three categories, then it is time to make a few adjustments. See where you fall short and ask Me to show you how to qualify in all respects. But here is a quick summary of what to do for each category to qualify:
- Receive Jesus as your Lord and ask Me for the gift of the Holy Spirit. You do this by confessing Jesus as LORD with your mouth and believing in your heart that I raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him as LORD at My right hand. Romans 10:9-10.
- Make My Word top authority in your life and do nothing except what My Word tells you to do. For example, since I tell you to forgive those who hurt you, you forgive them. Walk in love and you will fulfill all My Commandments.
- Do not waste your time on activities and pursuits that are contrary to My Word and do no good for anyone. Be doing things that bless and increase you and others. Work to enlarge My territory (righteousness, peace and joy), and to see to the well being, prosperity and health of My citizens. Be like the good and faithful servant who was busy seeing to the master’s business on the master’s return and was not abusing his fellow servants.
You can sum it all up in one Scripture that I first taught to My people through Moses when I brought them out of slavery in Egypt: “Diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight.” Exodus 15:26. And then I tell them that I am the LORD their Healer. Yes, I am still your Healer who makes everything work together for good for those who love Me, who are called according to My purpose.
And I suppose the shortest way to sum up this message you find in the same passage which we have been discussing: “be conformed to the image of My Son.” Romans 8:29.
He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil. Even at twelve years old, He was only about My business. And I have empowered you to do the works He did and greater. Why? Because He is at My right hand and whatever you ask in His Name, He will do with, in, and through you by My Spirit dwelling in you.
You are not alone in this, you are not orphans. You are My children and joint heirs with Christ. And I gave Him to you so you can live your life through Him. But you have to be diligent about guarding your heart, renewing your mind to My Word, and denying yourself anything contrary to My Word in your life.
But My Words are pleasant and sweet. You will never have a “nervous breakdown” over them, they are words of love, comfort, encouragement, edification, and exhortation. They promise good in every area of your life. Think on these things and you will rejoice always, pray without ceasing and give constant thanks. And that is where the blessing begins to go to work in your life making all things work together for good.
I love you. Hear My Voice. And do not be a hearer only, but a doer of My Word. And remember, nothing can separate you from My love. Romans 8:39.