And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. 1 John 5:11-12.Today Today your LORD (יהוה) God (אלהים) says:
The sanctified life is a life of romance. You are part of the greatest of all love stories and the Song of all songs.
I have given you the promise of eternal life. Titus 1:1-3. And eternal life is abundant life now and forever. Eternal life is Kingdom living. It is a place of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
I have made everything beautiful in its time and I have put eternity in every human heart. Ecclesiastes 3:11.
And I gave you the promise of eternal life before the beginning of time. I created a Kingdom for you since the foundation of the world.
Eternal life is found only in My Son. It is for all those who believe in Him. You must be in the Lamb’s Book of Life to have it. It is your high calling and ultimate destination in Christ.
Take hold of the eternal life to which you are called. And you can only do this by believing in Jesus. For My Will is that all who behold My Son and believe in Him have eternal life.
Eternal life is really the biggest issue in your life. It is what life is all about. It is what Adam lost by sin. It is why I gave you My Son. I so loved the world that I gave My only begotten Son that all who believe in Him would not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16. That is why He went through such horrible pain and death to take all the punishment for your sin so that you could be free from condemnation and inherit eternal life as My child in Him.
What is it if you gain the whole world but lose your eternal life in the process?
Yes, I have made a promise to you of eternal life, and as all My promises to you, this promise finds its “yes” in Christ Jesus. And by promising you eternal life, I have promised you that there is a place prepared for you where you are loved, cherished, nurtured, cared for, fruitful, and fulfilled forever. A promise of an eternal home with Me where you belong. An everlasting Kingdom for all ages where people of every tribe, nation, race, language and tongue will dwell in unity and peace with no harm on My holy mountain—a busy thriving place that is always filled with love and light. It is a real kingdom filled with projects, plans and activity in the highest degree. But it is also a place of perfect rest. No one there is anxious or stressed. Everything flows in peace and joy.
And one day that Kingdom will fill Heaven and earth—the universe in all its parts and beyond for the Kingdom encompasses all. My Kingdom is closer than you think, it is accessed through My Spirit in your heart.
There is no death, sorrow, pain, or mourning in My Kingdom. There is nothing but joy, pure unadulterated joy filled with glory. Eternal life is to know Me and My Son. It is to live in constant and complete fellowship with Us in the Holy Spirit. And I am love. It is a life lived in, with, and filled with love.
Let My Holy Spirit guide you into all truth and lead you to eternal life. My Spirit testifies to Jesus. And Jesus is the highest expression of My love for you.
Eternal life is living happily ever after. You all look for fairy tales and novels of romance where the main characters find their perfect love and live happily ever after in a beautiful kingdom.
The world is crying out for romance—they watch movies, read novels, and purchase songs that are all about romance. It is the main theme of almost every form of literature, music, and art.
But the greatest romance of all, that has no sorrow with it, and ends in perfect beauty and light with no darkness or shadow of turning, is My divine romance with you! And the ultimate result is you reign forever with your King in holy splendor. Revelation 22:5. The Great Romance is yours if you want to live it with Me.
You will find many songs in the Bible. Moses composed a song of victory, Deborah also, David wrote songs of praise and thanksgiving, and down the ages there is an abundance of songs and hymns that have been composed that glorify Me and My Son—but there is one song that I call the Song of Songs and it is My love song to you. It is a song of divine romance. It is a song of My love for you, a love that is better than wine and stronger than death. It is a song filled with the fragrance of My love for you and of our fellowship together in an enclosed garden filled with delightful scents, fruits, trees, spices, flowers, gentle breezes, music, and springs of living water that well up as a fountain enclosed. It is a sweet place of beauty and rest where we gaze upon one another with admiration and love.
It is a place where you are welcomed and sought after. It is a place that is not complete without you. And it is also a song from your heart back to Me, for you also are not complete without Me. It is your love song to Me and My love song to you. The lover and the beloved. My mouth is all sweetness, I am all delight, such is your lover and your friend. Song of Songs 5:16. Do you know Me this way? Do you know you are under the banner of My love?
And that is the Gospel of Grace. It is all about love. And it is all about eternal life. You cannot separate love and eternal life, for I am love and I am eternal life. And you will find both in My gift to you which is My Son. For I gave you Him as your brother and kinsman redeemer, your lamb of sacrifice, your Passover, your Bread of Life, your righteousness, your holiness, your High Priest, your representative before Me, your wonderful counselor, your healer, your good Shepherd, your teacher, and your friend. Feed on Him and receive eternal life. He is the bread of life for you to eat and NEVER die. He is the resurrection and the life. And it all has only one reason and the is your reason as well: LOVE. Everyone is looking for love but you already have it in Me forever. The greatest love story of all is the one between you and Me. Will you say “I do” to My covenant invitation?
Open up to Me to let My love into your heart so that you are filled with all the fullness of God. For I am filled with nothing but love. If you are in darkness and fear, you are not walking with Me. Walk with Me and be free. Do not fear, only believe so you can receive all the good things I want to give you every day.
I love you. Let Me sing My songs of love over you. Zephaniah 3:17. For the winter is past, the rains are over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth, harvest time has come and the song of the Dove is heard in your land, so arise My beloved and come. Let Me see you, let Me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet, and you are lovely. Songs of Songs 2:11-14.