For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him with favor as with a shield. Psalm 5:12.
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
My GIFTS and My CALL are irrevocable. I NEVER give and then take away. People quote that as the Word but Job said that in the midst of maneuver of the devil and let the devil steal him blind. The devil had blinded his eyes to what he owned and who the real thief was and is, and consequently took Job captive to do his will for a short period and it made a shambles of his prosperous life until I revealed Myself to him and he put his hand to his mouth and began to speak My Word. Then I could restore and make it even better than before.
Do not be foolish but find out what My Will is. And you will find it is good, pleasing, and perfect. Why? Because My gifts and My call are irrevocable. They are eternally for you. And they are your promised land and place of grace. But just as Joshua and the children of Israel had to fight the good fight of faith against the giants and evil men who were occupying their promised land, so will you. But the good thing is I have given you the victory—to them by the Covenant and the blood of the lamb that was a mere shadow of the good things to come in the true Lamb and the everlasting Covenant He would make on your behalf with Me.
I have given each of you a unique and special gift to use for the benefit of all. But it will especially bless you in that you will flow in it with My Spirit and find the prophecy of Isaiah true in your life: “Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” Isaiah 40:30-31.
Jesus has conquered death and the devil and redeemed you from the curse of the law. But the world cursed system that is instigated and run by the devil is still in the earth due to Adam’s unleashing the evil one’s authority as his own. But the leasehold, so to speak, will soon be up, though the time is not quite yet. But though you are in the world, you do not have to be of the world. You have been redeemed and born again to another Kingdom. My Kingdom. And in Jesus I have given it to you and in Him I have given you grace. Grace is My divine life flowing into you to make you a champion, an overcomer, and a hero. When things began to get into chaos, for that is what the devil tries to do by throwing up dust (lust) storms, you can take dominion and reign in life through Christ Jesus. But you have to fight the good fight of faith. Never give in to his tactics because greater am I who is in you than the one in the world.
I am the most High God and you are surrounded by the shield of My good Will. Psalm 5:12. And when you are in My Will you are in My and your rest. It is then you know and say with My apostle Paul, “And we KNOW that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28. And when you know that, you become more than a conqueror. When you know and believe in the love I have for you, nothing can separate you from Me and nothing can keep you down. Life becomes an upward call to the prize of your complete reward with Me.
In Hebrew, the original language of the Old Testament, the word for My will is “ratzon.” This word also means “favor” and “good pleasure” and “pleasing” and “delight.” I think you get the idea. My Will for you, My plans and purpose for you, are Shalom and not evil, to give you a future and a hope. Shalom is also a Hebrew word and it means peace, prosperity, wholeness, completeness, good relationships, good health, and general well being. It is My desire for your life—that you prosper and be in good health even as your soul (mind, will and emotions) prospers. It means nothing missing, nothing broken, and no one alone. And you can have that and have it now for eternal life is in My Son and He came to give you abundant life, joy until it overflows. He has made you complete—lacking no good thing.
Jesus told you that none was good but God alone. And that is the truth. But I am in you who believe and I have made you righteous and good with My own righteousness and goodness. And I am always up to something good in your life if you will walk with Me and agree with Me in what you think, say and do. And if you submit your mind and body to My way of thinking, walking, and talking you will be victorious, you will prosper, and you will resist the devil and he will have to flee from you. And you will be able to get back seven times what he stole from you, up to all the wealth of his house. And he has taken much wealth of the world captive, so you need to take your captor captive and get back all the riches of his house.
Taste and see My goodness. It is an overflowing fountain and river of delight. David sang about it: “Your lovingkindness, O LORD, extends to the heavens, Your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Your righteousness is like the mountains of God; Your judgments are like a great deep. O LORD, You preserve man and beast. How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; and You give them to drink of the river of Your delights. For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light. Psalm 36:5-9
Moses asked to see My glory and I showed him My goodness. Goodness is My glory. Doing good things. All I made I saw was good. Very good. I am always up to something good. Do you not perceive it? Do not be like the barren bush in the desert that does not perceive good when it comes and does not take hold of it. Be like the tree planted near underground rivers of water, whose roots have tapped into the living water, that is fruitful and fresh, its leaves never wither but are medicine for the nations, it provides for all who come into its shade and whatever the man like this does, prospers. I teach him to profit and the way he should go, I prosper the work of his hands. I surround him with favor (ratzon) like a shield. My good Will for your life, a life of perfect protection, direction, and perfection.
And I have given command to the angels to watch over you and guard you in all your ways. Psalm 91:11. They are ministering spirits that I created to serve you who are heirs of Salvation, joint heirs with Jesus. Hebrews 1:14. In the same way that Judges assign conservators and guardians to people who need protection (protected persons, i.e., those who cannot manage for and look after themselves without assistance), I assign angels to look after you, bringing you good things from Me. They are to serve you. But just like all servants, they do nothing unless the master over them commands it. Just as I told YOU to cast out demons, so too, YOU must call in the angels. Especially the one I have assigned just to you from before the foundation of the world. But they only hearken to the voice of My Word, so they will only go to work when you speak in agreement with Me—such as healing, prosperity, protection, deliverance, and the like.
Your life is one of triumph. When you have all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge at your disposal in Christ how can it be anything else? When you have the One in you who teaches you all things, guides you to all truth, tells you of the things to come, quickens your mortal body, and raises you up to new life, how can you do anything but triumph? When you have all the answers, all the wisdom, righteousness, and power of God Himself in you, how can you do anything but triumph? When you are partakers of My Divine nature, how can you do anything but triumph? “Thanks be to God,” wrote My apostle Paul, “who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.” 2 Corinthians 2:14. Yes, you have it all, everything good, perfect and pleasing is yours, so take hold of it and fight the good fight of faith to maintain what you own and never back down to the tactics of the devil to steal My Word from you. Without My Word in your heart and mouth you can do nothing of any lasting value. Make your life solid gold that only shines brighter with each trial and not one of wood, hay and stubble that will never withstand the fire of a trial. Remember Daniel’s three friends, they went through the fire unharmed. Why? The One who always causes you to triumph was walking with them, or should I say, they were walking with Him? He is with you always, you just have to get into step and then you too will triumph along with Him. And He gives you His reward and so do I. Joint heirs.
I love you. Remember, He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. You are in the world but your life is one of triumph.