I will hear what God the Lord will say; For He will speak peace to His people, to His godly ones; But let them not turn back to folly. Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, that glory may dwell in our land. Lovingkindness and truth have met together. Righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth springs from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven. Psalm 85:8-11.

For He Himself is our peace. Ephesians 2:14.

Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:

In Me you find your peace. Shalom. You will not find it anywhere else. Only in Me is your soul at rest. Only in Me are all things new. Only in Me will you know, find, enjoy and live in peace beyond understanding. Peace and joy go together and they all come from being forgiven, loved, reconciled, safe, secure, well provided for, protected, delivered, and more than a conqueror. And I give you all this and more in Jesus.

You will not find true, unshakeable peace (that is beyond worldly understanding) except in Me. You cannot find it anywhere else because everything else shifts and changes, like shifting sand, but I am the ETERNAL rock. There is no shifting, no change in Me. I AM the same yesterday, today and forever. To have peace you need stability. The temporal is not stable, but the eternal is. The flesh is not stable but the spiritual is. Jesus came to unite the temporal with the eternal in one seamless life.

As everything, My peace comes to you in and through Jesus. He gave you His peace, which is My peace, for all I have is His and all He has is Mine. We are one. Jesus told you that, “The Father and I are One.” And when you are in Him you are One with us too. He puts you in right standing with Me and that is peace.

Your sins had put up a dividing wall between you and Heaven and I was shut out of your world. But Jesus broke that wall down—in Him it disappeared as if it had never been. Like the walls of Jericho at the victory shout. And now we have peace, peace through the Blood of His cross. He is your peace offering. Do you recall the shadow in the sacrifices in the tabernacle of the wilderness that are now fulfilled in Christ? The peace offering was a sacrifice for alliance or friendship, to pay for something owed. With this sacrificial offering the sinner was reconciled with Me by the atoning blood of the lamb of sacrifice, and the wave offering (the priest, a son of Aaron, waved the breast of the lamb horizontally) and the heave offering (the other priest would raise the thigh vertically at the same time), forming the sign of the cross. Exodus 29:26-28; Leviticus 10:15; Numbers 6:20; Leviticus 3. Peace through the Blood of His cross, reconciling all things to Myself. Colossians 1:19-20.

And now I speak of peace to My people in Christ, for He is your peace. And He gave you His peace. John 14:27. And Jesus speaks peace to those who are far and those who are near, both gentile and Jew. And He made peace between Me and you by His Blood. In Him, I cleansed you of all sin and made you holy, blameless and without reproach in My sight. You are forgiven forever, past, present and future sins are gone on Him. He made you righteous with My own righteousness. He put everything in your life right with Me. And when you know this you will be established in righteousness. And those who are established in righteousness are far from oppression. No weapon formed against them can prosper (the fiery darts of the evil one) and every tongue raised against them in accusation (the devil is the accuser of the brethren, trying to convict you of that from which you are forgiven) they prove false, for their righteousness comes from Me!

The night My Son took on human flesh, born as an infant in Bethlehem, the skies opened and the good news rang out in the LIGHT, there was now peace and good will between you and Me. For a Child is born to you, a Son is GIVEN you, and on His shoulder dominion rests. And there shall be no end to His peace. That child born of the virgin is your Peace. The Prince of Peace. Oh! If you coud but understand the riches you have in Christ! If you but would gaze with unveiled face upon Him and know all I have freely given you in Him, your life would radically change. You would go from glory to glory as you gazed upon Him until you became just as He is in the world.

When I raised Jesus from the dead and He returned to the disciples in the upper room, His first Words were, “Peace be with you.” He gave them His peace again. Double peace, double shabbat, double portion. You have no reason to say you have no peace. You do have peace and it is My peace that passes all understanding. Nothing upsets you when you have all the answers. And you do with My Holy Spirit, the wonderful Counselor, in you. And Jesus died to give that wondrous gift to you too. You have righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Jesus, the Prince of Peace, the ambassador of My peace to you. And now He has made you ambassadors of peace too! Tell the world that we are reconciled in Christ, there is nothing to fear. Peace. No fear of the past, the present or the future. You are loved and cared for by a faithful Creator with whom nothing is impossible, who makes you, in Christ, more than a conqueror, an overcomer, and a champion! A hero!

When you conquer, you have peace. Just like I fought the battle for Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah and then they had peace on every side. They realized that I was their peace. The battle was Mine but the victory was theirs. And when you know that, you step out to fight the good fight of faith in peace and confidence.

Have no fear. I am with you. I love you and I gave My Son for you as your peace offering. We are at peace, and you can rest in that. Do not worry, I take care of all your needs according to My riches in glory in Christ Jesus. And I have taken care of all your sins. You may have failed and may again, but do not grieve, just open you heart to Me and let Me clean up your mess. I can handle it, I put it all on My Son and punished it already. We are One in Him. God and man joined in Him in one seamless eternal life. He is your peace. So never say you have no peace again because you do. Just take it out and put it on. You even have shoes that match—the footgear of the gospel of peace. I speak of peace to My people, are you listening?

I love you. Jesus is your peace. All is well. Shalom. My plans for you are shalom and not evil, to give you a future and a hope. Don’t turn back to folly, which includes anxiety, worry, stress, and fear.

“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33