As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:10-11.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
You think you are seeking and chasing Me, but I have already given Myself to you. All the time you thought you did not have Me, you possessed Me and all I am. I have given Myself and all I have to you. I have given you all this in Jesus. He is the gift in which all the gifts are hidden. In Him are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. In Him is eternal life. And you who possess Him, possess that life. The power of a life worth living where time and eternity unite in one seamless life. I call it “seamless” because you transition from the natural to the supernatural as easily as stepping through an open door. On Patmos, John was so connected with Me that he looked up and saw an open door to Heaven and the next thing he knew he was standing among the citizens of Heaven and looking upon the throne and the Lamb among myriads of angels and throngs of the redeemed. And he heard glorious music and saw glorious sights. Paul did the same and said it was beyond human words to explain what he had seen. And he would tell you that what I have prepared for those who love Me is beyond all human imagination, but I have shared it with you by My Spirit in you and on you. You who believe in My Son have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Holy Spirit, so that you may know the things freely given to you by Me. Most of you just do not understand what you have, because if you did you would use it and not be a bit anxious for anything.
When you seek Me with your heart, you will find Me right there with you. I never leave you or forsake you. I have given Myself to you. And I gave you Myself in My Son. He is the way to Me. A new and living way. And He loved you and gave Himself for you. And you are His bride. And He gives Himself to you as your life. You are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh.
I love You and gave Myself to you. I gave Myself to you in My Son and in My Spirit and through them drew you into Myself, deep into the very core of My being. I have appeared to you from afar, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you to Me with lovingkindness.” Jeremiah 31:3. For My grace has appeared to all, bringing salvation and My saving kindness and My love for you has thus appeared. For I have saved you, not on the basis of deeds which you have done in your own righteousness, but according to My mercy and My own righteousness which I have given to you as a gift. I have taken away your sins and imputed them to My sinless Son, as a spotless lamb, and put you right with Me in every way by giving you My own righteousness as your own. By the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom I poured out upon you richly through Jesus Christ your Savior, I have justified you who will receive it by faith by My grace and made you My heirs, joint heirs with Christ.
I have blessed YOU with every spiritual blessing in Heaven. And what do I tell you are some of the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven? In Heaven there is no sadness, no mourning, no crying, no pain, no illness, no death, no weakness, no lack, no evil, no darkness—there is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. And above all there is love, pure joyful beautiful comforting enriching love. And there is LIGHT. And there is unity. And there is no curse. And I ask you to pray that My Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Within you, you have gifts. Wonderful, magnificent gifts. And I have given these to you in Christ before you even were formed in your mother’s womb. And I watched you as you formed. And I had a gifts to give you of a life filled with all you would ever need and an abundance for good works that I planned and prepared for you in advance that you would walk in them and enjoy them. That you would be blessed to be a blessing. Yes, I give gifts to you and I give you as gifts to one another. I have made you a family with Me and one another to be united, triumphant and true. To be joined together and built together into a living temple, a dwelling place, of My Spirit, with each supplying the others with what every person uniquely supplies by the special gift he or she has of My manifold, all encompassing grace to be a benefit to all and to his or her self as well. Pray for one another and share your gifts with one another. As you give, more will be given, till all overflow with My goodness and the earth is covered with the knowledge of My glory as the waters cover the sea.
You are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses cheering you on as you all run together and are built up together in partnership with and in My Son in the sweetness of love—angels, saints, and all the body of Christ.
And I give you charisma—grace gifts, supernatural gifts, gifts distributed by My Spirit for the benefit of all. Gifts of words of wisdom, knowledge, prophecy, healing, faith, discernment, tongues, interpretation of tongues, and miracles.
You have been given so many gifts by My grace. Gifts of My manifold grace. And yet many do not realize that inside you I have put gifts of healing, provision, direction, wisdom, guidance, truth, strength, skills, and special anointings for your benefit and the benefit of all. My Son descended and ascended and He gave gifts to you and made you gifts to one another—apostles, preachers, teachers, pastors, prophets, helpers, evangelists, encouragers, and those who quietly serve others needs just when they have need. I have gifted you for one another, as My family, the church, the body of Christ on earth. You are all growing in My gifts and the knowledge of who I am together. You are teaching, admonishing, encouraging, helping, healing, casting out demons and bringing light to a dark world by using and bringing out the gifts that I have put in you by My grace in My great love for you.
Deep within you there is all that you need for life and godliness forever. It is Me. It is My gift of Myself, of My divine life, making you a partaker of My very nature and filling you with My power, wisdom, and strength, but above all, filling you with My own love, My love for you and My love for others through you. I have fully given Myself to you. And with Me, I have given you all that I have, and that is everything. For I am the author and finisher of all. And I work by My Word, who is My Son, who is the same yesterday, today and forever. I never take back what I have given. My gifts and My call are irrevocable. The question is, will you receive them? And the next question is, if you do receive them, will you perceive them? And the next question is, will you use and enjoy them? And the next question is, will you do so consistently and without wavering?
Only you can answer those questions. But those who have will have more, for they are open to receive, and those who have not, will lose the little they have, for they have shut their hearts to My grace and do not hear when I knock. They do not know they have what they are seeking already. Do you know it?
I love you. I have given Myself to you. Are you even aware of the greatness in you? For greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Rule and reign with Me. It is in you to do so and it is a gift of Myself who is love. You cannot begin to even plummet or rise to the limitless love that I have for you and this love and all love gives is surrounding you, sustaining you and filling you every moment by the measure that you will allow it.