We have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
I confirm My Word with signs following. I told My disciples to preach and teach but also to demonstrate the glory and power of healing, provision, and new life. I did not just send them to preach but also to heal and set those free that were oppressed by the devil. Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil. Power with the Word. He told the good news and demonstrated the good news. You need both.
And what attracts people to Me? My goodness. My joy. My forgiveness. My mercy. My promises and My willingness to perform them. Once you have tasted that I am good you begin to walk in faith and suddenly your life becomes beautiful. It becomes one of dominion. Too long you have acted pitiful and hidden but now it is time to step up and show My glory shining on you!
Stop letting the devil knock you down! He is an angel and as such was created to be a servant of the heirs of Salvation but instead you have permitted him to become your master. Adam had his authority stolen by the creature that was to be his servant. Sin is at the door but you can be its master. Sin no longer has any power over you, you are under grace.
And grace is My divine life in you, flowing into you like the sap from the vine into the branch, making you fruitful and strong. You are full of sap and very green, even in your old age, for I renew your youth like an eagle. You shall bear fruit even in old age. And, like Caleb and Joshua, you shall retain your youthful strength to conquer giants and move mountains.
Shine. My glory is upon you. Let it shine out of your heart onto a dark world until all eyes have turned from the darkness to your rising light as you lead them into My presence by signs, wonders, and miracles. You were created for miracles and all of creation is set up for them. Nothing is stationary, all is made of minute particles you cannot see with your human eye but they are there and they are activated by light and by sound.
I want you to experience more and more of My goodness. I want to give you good things. Believe that so you can receive them. Do not give up ever. My promises are real and you can have them if you just fight the good fight of faith and refuse to let go.
You cannot be pitiful and powerful. You can only be filled with Me when you are walking in love. You cannot speak what you don’t want and receive what you do want. Stop being weak and say you are strong. You are in Me. A gibbor. A hero! Stop giving in to the lies of the enemy. Make what is contrary to My Word go! Rebuke it. Stand up and be the you that I made you to be, I will be there in you to complete what I begun in you. You have only to work it out.
And take heart. You are never alone. I am with you to take care of you. I will never leave you or forsake you. I will never abandon you. I will always provide for you, even into your old age, but I renew your youth even then. There is nothing for you to fear. Let go of fear and you will find pain will leave your body. Cling to Me and I will place your feet on a height.
As you face a new year, look at it with excited joy. Expect 2020 to be a year of perfect vision with provision for your vision. Do not live in fear little flock, it has pleased Me to give you My Kingdom. There is nothing more you need when you have the Blessed Trio.
I have a word for you. And it is just for you. And it is one word for 2020: persevere. Persevere and take the reward. Persevere until you see your vision come to fruition. It will. This year. I have spoken and it is not an idle word. DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR DREAM. It seems like delay, but now is the day. You have hoped it for years and you have almost given up, but this is the time of fulfillment and My Kingdom is at hand. Do not turn back now. Keep your gaze on Me. On the light in a dark place. For you have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19. It is time. Do not draw back. Do not miss your visitation by hesitation. Do not be halted but healed. Do not give in to the weakness. Do not give in to the lies of the enemy. I am pleased and you will finish the race set before you. It is not lost, it is found, and the grace will abound to bring it about at the proper time. Which is now. Do you not perceive the shift in the atmosphere? The devil will fight you for he is aware you are on the brink of breaking his snare and the web that binds all people. His stronghold is broken but you must not let him back in. Sin cannot win where grace abounds. And how do you bring in the grace? By giving My Word first place. By grace through faith and faith works by love. Love your way out of the darkness into My marvelous light.
Do you understand? My Words are not idle words, they are your life. Use them as tools and you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success. Let Me take care of your mess. I clean you up by My Word. Jesus told you that and that is how He washes the Church. Not by acts of penance and grief, but by My Word. There is nothing else that will renew your mind and give you joy unspeakable filled with glory that makes you unshakeable. More than a conqueror. On the truth can set you free. Nothing else. My Word is truth. And I have set up all creation to move at My Word out of your mouth. Dominion I gave you over the works of My hands, why have you not taken it?
I love you. Let Me show you how to prosper and the way you should go and never give up, just keep walking in love and the faith that connects you to the power that I have already given you. Have no anxiety about anything, but in in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to Me. And My shalom, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Shalom. Receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness now and reign in life through Christ Jesus. He is My gift to you, use and enjoy Him and all He is and contains, for I have given that to you. I am with you. What more do you need? You have everything. Act like it and see your life become the life you want it to be.