Be doers of the word, and not hearers only. Otherwise, you are deceiving yourselves. James 1:22.
Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13:10.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
If you want the results of My promises in your life, you must do what it says to do to have those results. I told Joshua to meditate on My Word day and night and to speak it and not deviate from it to the right or the left and he would make his way prosperous and have good success. He did prosper and have good success, but he did what I told him to have it. Joshua and Caleb had a different spirit than the grumbling Israelites. They had the spirit of faith, they believed what I said in their hearts so they spoke it with their mouths. The others would have said they believed in Me, but they spoke contrary and against everything I told them I had done for them. They tested Me though they had seen My works. Consequently, they did not get the results of My promises. But later Joshua would testify that every promise I had made them had come to pass. Why? Because he did what I told him to do to have the results.
Many people want the results of My Word but they do not want to be doers of My Word to get the result. They want the result while they continue to do what I have told them not to do, or at least do not do what I told them to do to have the result. And they say that is grace. But you are saved by grace through faith. And faith without works is dead. And what is the work of faith? To believe in the One whom I sent. And He is My Word. So it is to believe in My Word, and if you really believe My Word, you will do what My Word says. You either trust My Word or you do not. You cannot have it both ways. And that is your choice, but you can only make an intelligent choice if you have knowledge of what you are choosing. You cannot have faith in My Word unless you have done what I told Joshua to do—read it, hear it, ponder it, speak it, and know what I am about.
Let Me give you an example. Say you want strong bones. Well, I have many Scriptures that I have spoken advising you on how to have strong bones, and yet most people who want Me to give them strong bones and heal osteoporosis or other joint, bone and muscle problems do not follow what I tell them but just go to depressed, whiny prayers and feeling hopeless about the whole thing. But now I will give you a key Scripture on it:
“If you get rid of unfair practices, quit blaming victims, quit gossiping about other people’s sins, if you are generous with the hungry and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out, your lives will begin to glow in the darkness, your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight. I will always show you where to go. I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places—firm muscles, strong bones. You’ll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry.” Isaiah 58:9-11.
Do you see? Lifting the yoke and the burden off others, freeing the oppressed, taking care of the poor, and no longer speaking maliciously about others. Gossip, derogatory remarks, slander, exaggeration, lies to make yourself look better, judging, back biting, sharing faults about another with those who don’t know them—all these must stop if you want the results that a life free of them gives. Give generously to the poor and don’t speak evil of anyone or anything and you are on your way to strong bones and a beautiful life. He who gives to the poor lends to Me and I repay. One hundred fold.
I want to tell you the secret of living a good life—a beautiful, fruitful life of no regrets. And I can tell you how in one sentence. Do you want to hear it? If you do, you will be responsible to live it. Here it is: “Just love and everything will be okay.”
Do you understand? Love never harms another. Love goes the extra mile without bitterness. Love does not take offense. Love answers calmly and gently rather than in anger and harshly. Love does not gossip. Love does not reveal others’ failings and faults. Love is not puffed up about its own achievements but looks to the promotion of others. Love does not feel threatened by others’ accomplishments but rejoices in them. Love is not jealous. Love is not always seeking to be in the limelight but lets others shine also. Love is not overbearing. Love is not inconsiderate. Love is not rude. Love does not covet. Love does not steal. Love does not lie to another. Love is not proud and hard to please. Love does not keep bringing up past wrongs and hurts. Love forgives and then lets it go. Love is generous and giving. Love is a cheerful giver. Love is patient and kind. Love is not agitated or anxious. Love is not fearful. Love enjoys people and things. Love is happy to be alive. Love is not depressed. Love serves the needs of others without acting put upon. And love never brings up the evil others’ have done. Love does not put people down. When love is criticized it does not retaliate. Love is not intent on showing up another. Love never gives up. Love gives people room to grow and encourages them to be their best. Love does not shut others out but includes them. Love gives others the benefit of the doubt. But love never compromises to allow evil but only good. Love is strong in goodness and never gives in to evil. Love conquers evil with good. Love never fails.
I tell you to imitate Me as My dear children and walk in love. Your life should edify and encourage. You should show a standard of excellence to all, no job too small and no job too big, love endures all.
Do not recriminate yourself or others. This does no good in moving forward. Repent and enjoy My awesome forgiveness in Christ and move on to your high calling. Be love. Act in love. Speak love and you will become love.
If you want different results this year than you had last year you have to think and talk differently. To live a life of love, you must actively pursue a life of love. You must actively pursue the gifts of the Holy Spirit, for they are given for the good of all. Exercise your faith by declaring My promises over your life and your body—such as healing, renewal of youth, strong bones, and the lifter of your countenance. And declare yourself filled with My Spirit and My love until you see it active in your life. You will know when you have it for your whole body will be filled with the light of life. You will shine in dark places and attract others by your beautiful life. People really don’t need you to impress them, they need you to love them. Love is the greatest gift you can give. And I am Love. Yes, I am the greatest gift you can give anyone, do not be afraid to share Me, for the more you share Me, the more of Me you will have.
Love works that way. Never be afraid to be generous and give love. The way love works is the more you give of love the more love you will have. And love heals everything. The more you love the healthier you will be. Good news makes your bones fat, but a depressed spirit dries up the bones. You choose.
Love. It is the only way to live. It is the only way to be. I know that and that is why I am love. I think in love, I talk in love and I walk in love—everything else is foreign to Me and cannot enter into Me. Imitate Me as My dear children and walk in love.
I love you. Now, go and love others in return. Love yourself into your miracle.