So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17.

His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s joy!’ Matthew 25:21.

How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103.

Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:

My Word tells you that the righteous live by faith.  Not just that they have faith when a trial comes, but that they walk and live by faith all the time. It must be your lifestyle.

Without faith you cannot be full.  Anytime you are full, you are satisfied.  It will keep you faithful in all occasions because nothing else will fit when you are full and satisfied. Then you are not searching for something to satisfy your gnawing hunger and inside emptiness. You will not seek substitutes for Me to find your provision, deliverance, satisfaction, and happiness.  Faith gives you joy and makes you complete, able to handle any circumstance in Me.  You can do all things in Christ who strengthens you.

When you are full of faith you know My Word is true and you have no doubts about My goodness and care when a storm of any kind hits your life. You know that though something has come against you in this world, which is still under the evil one, you have a Healer, a Provider, and Father who loves you and will either provide you a way out or make the evil work out for your good by His creative power. You know that I sent you My Son who saved you and that He has overcome the world, and when you are in Him, you have the victory in Him.  You are a citizen of the conquering Kingdom though you are still in the world. You are in the world, but if you are in Christ Jesus you are not of the world. You can look to a higher law and unending source for your supply, protection, direction, and deliverance. And when you are full of faith you know that you can do this all the time. You will know Me in whom you have believed. And you will find Me faithful to you and worthy of trust.

And how do you get full of faith? How do you get full physically? You eat until you are completely satisfied and cannot hold anymore. And you have to keep eating. You all have to eat more than once a week to thrive and be full. In fact, to be healthy and strong you have to eat multiple times every day. If you are hungry you get very weak and unable to function. If you go too long with no food you die.

The same is true in spiritual things. You must feed your faith and then you also need to exercise your faith to thrive. A malnourished person finds it extremely hard to exercise or even get around to their daily chores—if you are malnourished enough you cannot even dress yourself. The same is true in the life of faith, the building up of your spirit.  The most important thing is that you are feeding your faith. And you remember that I tell you that faith comes by hearing, by hearing My anointed Word. And hearing it just once is not enough. You have not chewed or swallowed it in that case and it will not feed you so that you grow thereby.

That is why I tell you that to make your way prosperous and successful you must not let My Word depart from your mouth (no matter what comes against you, never let down your guard and respond with words contrary to Mine) and to meditate (chew on it, mutter it, study it—and  let Me open the Scriptures to you as you do it by My Spirit in you) on it day and night. This will make your spirit grow in faith and become strong.  And once you are so full of faith, it will overflow so that you must exercise it and use it to minister to yourself and others. When your faith is strong and full it will want to get results by doing what it is full of—works life Jesus did.

When your faith is strong, your are strong, when your faith is weak, you are weak. If you will not believe, you surely shall not last or be established. Isaiah 7:9.

And when you are full of faith, I can call on you at any time to do the work I assign to you.  Remember faithful Abraham?  When I merely said his name, his response was “Ready!”  And off he went with whatever assignment I gave him.  And the same is true of Joshua, Samuel (“Speak, Lord, your servant is listening”), Elijah, Elisha, Daniel, Mary, Elizabeth, Stephen, Paul, Lydia and countless others.  Do you recall the time that I spoke to Philip to go to the desert road and convert the Ethiopian eunuch?  He was in the middle of preaching to crowds in Samaria but he was willing to take off at a moment’s notice to save one man.  And by doing that he converted a nation through that one man.

And why were they aware of Me and ready to respond immediately if I gave them a direction? It was because they lived by faith all the time.  It was because they were so full of faith that they were faithful—faith full.  When you are full of faith you will be faithful to Me because you have no room for any other words in your heart.  You are full and satisfied. You are not seeking for some other source to fill you and satisfy you. You are well pleased.

I describe Stephen and Barnabas as being filled with faith and the Holy Spirit. Acts 6:5; Acts 11:24. Those two go together and are the combination for miracles.

My apostle Paul wrote from a dark prison cell where he was held for preaching My Word that he was overflowing with joy!  Why?  Because he was full of faith.  He knew Me and that I was well able to deliver him.  John knew the same in his exile on Patmos.  He did not despair but used the time to draw close to Me and receive divine revelation.  He was fruitful even in captivity on a desolate island—it was there he wrote the Book of Revelation.

Faith gives you energy.  It makes you soar with eagle’s wings, run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.  It gives you the victory—faith is the victory that overcomes the world. It fills you with confident joyful expectation of good in your life.

But faith only comes by hearing My anointed Word and meditating on it day and night.  I gave My prophet Ezekiel My Word to preach to the disobedient and unfaithful people of Israel to deliver them from the attack against Jerusalem by Babylon.  I then told him what he had to do first before he was ready to preach My Word to the Israelites.  I told him to eat My Word, to feed himself with it and fill his body with it, and in a vision I handed him the scroll of My Words.  He chewed on it and swallowed it and found it sweet as honey in his mouth.  Ezekiel 2:8-9; Ezekiel 3:1-4.

My Words are more desirable than the finest gold and sweeter than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.  Psalm 19:10; Psalm 119:103.  I have prepared a rich feast for you on My Holy Mountain of prayer.  When you open your heart to My Word and begin feeding (meditating) on it, you will find I have brought you into My banquet hall and that My banner over you is love.  Song of Songs 2:4.

Feed on My Word until you are full of faith and your life will become sweet no matter what you face.  You will not crave anything else for there is nothing else that will satisfy you completely and fill your innermost longings.  And when you are full of faith you will not walk in darkness, for the revelation of My Word gives light and the darkness cannot overcome it.

And when you are full of faith, I will find you faithful in all you do.  My coming will never catch you off guard.  I will be able to say to you “Well done, good and faithful servant, come share your Master’s joy!”  And I will be able to promote you to higher and greater works and assignments until you reach your true destiny—which is the Kingdom.

As I told Abraham, your father in the faith, “Fear not, I am your shield and your reward will be very great!” Genesis 15:1.  And I say the same to you today.

I love you.  Feed on My Word day and night and you will be full of faith, completely satisfied, and faithful in all you do.  And remember that miracles, signs and wonders follow My Word. Selah.