“Rulers and elders of the people, if we are on trial today for a benefit done to a sick man, as to how this man has been made well, let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead—by this name this man stands here before you in good health. He is the stone which was rejected by you, the builders, but which became the chief corner stone. And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:8-12.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
Are you done crying? Then stand up and let Me talk to you. Shake off the chains of Satan who has bound you and listen. You are forgiven. You are loved. I still have good plans for you. Plans for your shalom and not evil, I give you a future and a hope. The mind of man has not even begun to know the splendor of what I have prepared for those who love Me.
Do you want it? If your answer is “yes,” then shake the dust off your feet and cross the Jordan to conquer the Promised Land with Me.
And how did they fight the first battle in the Promised Land? They shouted the joyful shout, the teruya, they lifted up their voices like trumpets, and when the joyful shout goes up, the walls come down. They had to shout. You have to speak to your mountains or, like Goliath, they will mock at you.
And if you recall, before they approached the battle, after they had crossed the Jordan they celebrated the Passover for the first time since they left Egypt. They went in under the blood of the lamb. And right before celebrating the Passover, they had renewed their covenant with Me.
You really do not have any problems. Some of you may be thinking you have got quite a few. But you really do not. Why? If you have the solution, you do not have a problem. And you have the solution to every problem, Jesus, the only Name given among men by which you must be saved. He is not only the answer, He is the only answer. There is no other Name above His, every knee has to bow to Him. And in Him are ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I have made Him to be wisdom unto you, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. He is your good Shepherd, your great High Priest, your healer, deliverer, helper, and LORD. He has all the answers you need in Him for I send My Word to heal you and deliver you from all destructions. And He is My Word made flesh dwelling among you. And He is in you, your hope of glory.
If you have Jesus, you have no problems because you already have the solution. Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved.
If you want miracles to be ordinary for you, you need to learn how to decree a thing. Not just whimpering and complaining. Not for just saying My Word with no authority but you need to decree it. Enforce My Word in the earth. And decree over problem My Word on it, whether it be deliverance, healing, provision, wisdom, strength, or any other promise you find in My Word. Don’t let My Word leave your mouth, meditate on it day or night. If you refuse to give up on My Word you will make your way prosperous and have good success. Speak My Word as a commandment to the things that are contrary to My Word. Sometimes you have to roar it like a lion, sometimes you just have to shout it. Like they did at the walls of Jericho.
I have put My Words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of My hand that you may establish things in the earth and move the mountains that get in your way. I share all I have with you and My most powerful gift to you is My Word. You release My power when you release My Word. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with Me and the Word was Me. When I give you My Word I give you all of Me. I give you the fullness of the Divinity in your mouth. I watch over My Word to perform it and I will perform what you decree. My Word does not return to Me void but will achieve the purposed for which I sent it. And I send My Word to heal and deliver.
A test. Like fire refining gold. This life is only a test for life eternal. Be concerned with only one thing: that you pass it. Do not become so bogged down in worldly affairs that you sacrifice the eternal for the temporary. Never get so angry, so depressed, or so focused on today that you lose your destiny and your rewards. Do not live like foolish people but as wise. Redeem the time.
Do not be weighed in the scales and found deficient. Daniel 5:27. I have equipped you with all you need for life and godliness.
You may think of it as a hopeless unbearable mess but, you will have trials in this world, so cheer up, it is only a test. And the weight of glory that awaits you far exceeds the temporary trials. Do not people get you side tracked, run so as to win.
Stay focused on the one thing necessary. Fight the good fight of faith. Keep your eye on the Resurrection and know in whom you have believed and where you are headed. Fear lest you not enter into the rest.
And how do you pass the test?
- Be available at all times—be prepared, equipped, and ready for every good work. Be in My full armor (dressed for success and victory over the powers of darkness) and do not be caught off guard. Be like the servant with his eyes on the hand of his master waiting for direction. Be like Abraham, Samuel, Isaiah and Mary: “Here I am, LORD. Speak for your servant is listening. Send me. Let it be done to me according to your word.” Be ready whenever I call on you to do something.
- Be faithful in all things and at all times. And it all begins with your thoughts and words. Speak on the things that are in line with My Word, things that edify. Words of grace and truth. Everyone should see three things in you: righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Everyone should see how kind you are.
- Serve. Seek to serve and not to be served. Give. It is more blessed to give than receive with respect to your fellow men and women. You receive from Me and give to your neighbor.
- Confess your faults and failures—stay in the light. Be open and honest and when you have done wrong admit it to Me and to the person you did it before. Jesus already paid the punishment for it but you must acknowledge that to be cleansed and continue walking in the light.
- Pray at all times. This is the way you receive from Me and authorize Me to work in your life and the lives of those you pray for. Ask and you shall receive.
- Trust in Me and My Word no matter what comes your way. Make My Word supreme in yoru life and the final authority in all your undertakings. Mary told you her secret: “Do whatever He tells you.”
- Be thankful all the time.
If you are doing these things, the rest will follow. And you will always pass the test.
Be obedient to My Word, take it seriously. It has the power to save your soul. Tithe, listen , keep your appointment with Me each day, and witness about the good news of Salvation to others. And then your entrance into the glory of My Kingdom will be abundantly provided for.
Shake yourself from the dust, rise up, O captives! Loose yourself from your chains.
Shake off the dust. Do you remember that I condemned the devil to crawl on his belly and eat dust? Do not stay down in the dust, shake it off so that satan has no place in you. I have exalted Jesus and raised Him to the heights (Isaiah 52:13) and I have seated you there with Him. Ephesians 2:6. Satan and his cohorts are beneath your feet. You are no longer covered by the dust of death. Jesus went down to it for you to raise you up with Him.
I told YOU to cast out demons in the Name of Jesus. I told YOU to submit to Me and resist the devil and he will flee from YOU. Whether you let him in your life or cast him out—shake him off as Paul did the poisonous snake that attached to his arm out of the brush on the island of Malta-is up to you. Jesus gave you His Name and His authority to do so. Shake off the dust of bondage, loose yourself from your chains with the Sword of the Spirit, which is My Word. Do not permit those habits, thoughts and words in you that open the door for the devil and his demons to take up residence.
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Free from the devil’s trap. The fowler’s snare—the snare is broken now and you are saved and safe.
And as you shake off the dust and loose the chains of captivity, touch naught unclean as you depart from there. Isaiah 52:11. Go out majestic—for I the LORD am marching before you and I, the God of Israel, am your rear guard.
How lovely on the mountains are the feet of Him who brings good news, who declares shalom and heralds good and announces Yeshuah (Salvation, Jesus) and says to Zion (the mountain of grace), your God is King. Isaiah 52:7.
Unveil the wiles of the devil in your life and take the captor captive. Do not let him exile you to darkness—isolated and alone. “The exile will soon be free, and will not die in the dungeon, nor will his bread be lacking.” Isaiah 51:14. Have no fear. You are free indeed. I have led you to a wide and open place of prosperity. And the way there is Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Shake off the dust and be ready for your assignment today. And remember, this life is only a test. Do not get too involved in civilian affairs lest you lose the battle for your soul. Just remember nothing is so important in your life now that you should sin for it. And do not get too upset, hurt or angry at people. Just pass the test and go on. The worst they are the higher the grade you receive on your test. Smile. It is only a test and you are on the vast screen of Heaven in the story of your life. Make it the story of an overcomer. I have prepared it for you that way in advance. Just pass the test of being faithful in little things and then I will put you in charge of greater.
When I answered Hannah’s prayer and gave her Samuel she sang to Me in praise and exultation. And in her song of praise she sang of Me: “He raises the poor from the dust, He lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with nobles, and inherit a seat of honor.” 1 Samuel 2:8. A seat with Jesus in Heavenly places even now.
I love you. Never lose sight of the finish line. Beautiful, magnificent, and fair indeed is your inheritance. You do not want to miss it for anything. There is nothing so important in this life except one thing: passing the test. And you do not do it if you let your emotions rule your life. And the good news is, you do not have to for greater is the One in you than the one in the world. Know I can will and do in you and equip you for every good work if you just cooperate with My grace. Shake off the dust and wash yourself in the water of My Word.