So then, no more boasting about human leaders! All things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.  1 Corinthians 3:21-23.

Some men act as if they do not know us. And yet we are known by everyone. They act as if we were dead, but we are alive. They try to hurt and destroy us, but they are not able to kill us. 10 We are full of sorrow and yet we are always happy. We are poor and yet we make many people rich. We have nothing and yet we have everything.  2 Corinthians 6:9-10.

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32.

Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:

Stop acting like you have nothing and act as if you have something.  Everything is yours in Christ Jesus.  You are a joint heir with Him and He is heir of all.  All I have is His.  He is the First Born of many brethren.  And in Him you are as He is—the first born and the double portion is yours.

It has pleased Me to give you the Kingdom.  So do not live in fear.  The Kingdom is one of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Everything is yours.  Start acting like it.  Stop acting like you are alone with nothing.  I am with you always.  And all I have is yours.

David understood this and always acted like it.  Even when he appeared to have nothing and all looked lost, it was then that he sang, “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want,” and “He sets a table before me in the sight of my foes, He anoints my head with oil, my cup overflows.”  He did not act like he had nothing though for all appearances it seemed so, he acted like he had everything until it overflowed.  And so did his life become, just as he declared and sang, so he became.  He saw himself as he was in Me—complete, protected, and abundantly provided for.

And you should see this much more than he did.  For now I have given you My Son—will I not give you all things besides?

Do not be like the elder son in the parable My Son told of the prodigal son.  All the father had was his, but he lived and acted as if he had nothing.  He was even jealous of the dinner given to his younger brother while he could have feasted every day in abundance.

Many of you are envying what others have while you do not know that you have what they have and more.  Everything I have is yours.  Start acting like it and watch your life change.

It all starts with a change of your mind and heart—a new rich mentality.  Think about how you would act if you had an abundance of everything and knew you would never lack.  You would be confident, unafraid and joyful.  You would be excited.

Stop looking so hard at yourself and seeing lack and failure.  Start looking at who you are in Christ and see abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness.  Stop acting like you have nothing when everything is yours.

Start acting like who you are in Christ Jesus, for that is the real you.  You are precious in My eyes.  You are worthy of His Blood.  Why do you see yourself as a failure?  In Him, I always cause you to triumph.  You have the victory in Him.  Where is your shout of joy?

Stop acting like you have nothing when everything is yours.  Stop complaining and being depressed.  Stop going about like one mourning all the day.  Start living the “you” that you really are in My eyes.  The truth will set you free from your prison of pain.

I have given you My Son. You can be sure I will give you everything besides.  For when you receive Him, you receive everything I have as joint heir with Him.

Have a heart of praise where I can dwell.  Enlarge your tent, throw out your nets—it is time to enlarge your territory.  It is time to enlarge your vision.  It is time to know where you are seated.

You are heirs of the world.  I made it for you.  Act like it.

You who are in Christ Jesus have more than anyone else in the world.  Take hold of your inheritance.  It is fair indeed.  You dwell in My house all the days of your life, your eternal life.

And in My house there is fullness of joy.

Jesus gave you His joy and His peace.  Take it.  Come boldly to My throne and receive it.  Ask and you shall receive.

Begin acting as you truly are—the heir of all.

You are very important.  You are priceless.  I redeemed you with every drop of My Son’s Blood, which is of infinite value.  And so are you to Me.

Stop acting like you have nothing when everything is yours.  Live it, love it and receive it.  See all My good promises come to pass in your life just as Joshua and David did.  Even before the manifestation, they acted as if they had the promise already.  David acted and referred to himself as king even before he was crowned by men for he had My promise.  Joshua and Caleb spoke as if they had conquered the Promised Land long before they did for they had My promise.

You have far more than they.  For you are in My Son Jesus.  Begin to act like it.  You are seated with Him in heavenly places with the devil beneath you feet.  Refuse to entertain him and his efforts to make you feel inadequate and depressed.  Do not give in to grumbling and complaining.  Stop seeking pity from others and instead be powerful by knowing who you are and what you have in Jesus.  Act out your destiny.  It is a glorious one.

I love you.  That alone tells you who you are for I am your God and I made everything.  And it has pleased Me to give everything to you in Christ Jesus My beloved Son.

So STOP ACTING LIKE SOMEONE WHO HAS NOTHING WHEN EVERYTHING IS YOURS.  Start acting like someone who is excited, happy and special.  Start acting as the royalty you are in My Son.  For He has made you a kingdom of priests, a people set apart.  Start acting like someone to whom I have been pleased to give the Kingdom.  For that is who you really are.  You are a VIP.  You are someone to be welcomed.  Take authority of your life.