Afterward you will come to the hill of God where the Philistine garrison is; and it shall be as soon as you have come there to the city, that you will meet a group of prophets coming down from the high place with harp, tambourine, flute, and a lyre before them, and they will be prophesying. Then the Spirit of the LORD will come upon you mightily, and you shall prophesy with them and be changed into another man. 1 Samuel 10:5-6.
Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
Now is a time of great struggle, a tremendous battle is going on, but you only are seeing the fruit of a very deep root—stronghold—that the spirits of wickedness, of lawlessness, are entrenched in, since Adam, and for those who are not aware of the devil’s schemes and tactics, are bound with even now. The prince of the air and the demons of the underworld are masterminding what they think will topple the church on earth and defeat the Kingdom of Light. But I sit on My throne and laugh as they plot against Me and against My Christ (the anointed) (which on earth is now His body, the Church), Psalm 2:1-4, because no weapon formed against you can prosper and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. Isaiah 54:17. But how do you get in that fortress of power that can withstand any attack of the evil one and all his fiery darts? There is no snatching out of My hand and, when you are in Me, the evil one cannot touch you because He cannot touch Christ, he had no part ever in Him. John 14:30. But you cannot enjoy this protection if YOU, even if you are a believer, open the door to the evil one if you are not firmly established in righteousness, which I sometimes refer to as the breastplate of righteousness, for it is then you will be far from oppression for you will not fear, and from terror, for it will not come near you. Isaiah 54:14. If anyone fiercely assails you it will not be from Me. Whoever assails you will fall because of YOU. Isaiah 54:15.
Please note this means you have a part, and it is a speaking part and a praising part that is based on knowledge of what you have in My Word, you must become the prophet of your own life. It is your words that determine the course of your life, Matthew 12:37, Proverbs 18:21, Deuteronomy 30:19, and you will only live a perfect life if you agree in your words with My Words. There is no other way. My Son is the way, the truth, and the life, and He is My Word. The Word became flesh and dwelt among you and you have all received grace upon grace in Him, but you must receive Him and take all that I have given you in Him by faith. And you take it the same way you receive Him as Lord, you believe in you heart, which makes you righteous with My own righteousness, and you speak with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, which saves you. This is the spirit of faith, you believe in your heart by hearing and cultivating My Word, and you speak it over your life and world to save it. This is the heritage of My servants, of My children who serve Me, for My Covenant with you is My Words in your mouth and My Spirit in and on you to lead you, guide you, give you new life, and regenerate you to a new creation in Christ. Isaiah 59:21; Titus 3:5-7. And your righteousness and vindication are from Me. My Son came not to judge and condemn you but to save you. Do you believe that? Or do you let the devil get away with condemning you and accusing you? Remember, so you are aware of his tactics, he is the accuser of the believers. But you must know what to counter with, that there is NO condemnation now for those who are in Christ Jesus for you are a new creation in Christ and He has taken away all your sins as if they had never been, as if you had lived His perfect life of love.
This is the day of grace that I have made for you in Christ, it is up to you to be glad and rejoice in it for I am sharing that day with all of you who believe. Now is the favorable time, now is the day of Salvation! Luke 4:19, Isaiah 49:8; 2 Corinthians 6:2. Let every day be Christmas for you, a day good news of great joy for all the peoples because a Son has been given you that is Savior, Messiah and LORD. Luke 2:10-14.
In the story of Esther I want you to consider something the king says to Esther: “What is your petition, Queen Esther? It shall be granted you. And what is your request? Even to half of the kingdom it shall be done.” Esther 7:2. You are even in a better position, for I am the King of Heaven and I have espoused you to Me forever in Christ and I have given you the Kingdom as a joint heir with Him and as My bride. I did not just give you one half; I gave all I have to you in Jesus. Ask and you shall receive. Decree a thing and it shall come to pass. Have no anxiety about anything but come with confidence to My throne (Esther came in fear for her very life to the king’s throne, not so with you who are in Christ before a much more awesome and eternal throne) and in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to Me. And My shalom peace, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7.
What is your petition, what is your request today? I know already, for before a word is on your tongue, I know the whole of it, and I know your thoughts from afar. You are crying out in the darkness of your night to be right with Me and your fellow man. You want Me to make right all you have done wrong, that I would clean up, give order to, and bless the mess you have made of your life and that I would lead you forward to live a perfect life of love. That you may be glorified in Me and I in you and all the world may give praise for My goodness shining in your life. That you would be and leave a blessing wherever you go. To live a life of perfect love. To live a perfect life of love. To be perfect, as I your Heavenly Father, is perfect. You may not know it, but you long to be just like Me. That is why Adam ate the forbidden fruit. But what he did not realize was that he already was just like Me. He only had to walk it out with Me.
I have answered your petition and given you ALL you need for life and godliness. Let Me show you how.
You must partner with Me and become the prophet of your own life. It is that simple.
Go back to the beginning, to Genesis, and I will show you how I make order, beauty, and fruitfulness out of a mess of confusion. And you are in My image and can do the same. I framed the world and the universe by My Word, by faith.
The earth was, in Hebrew, tohu, which means formlessness, confusion, unreality, emptiness, i.e., primeval chaos, and bohu, which means emptiness and waste land, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. You may feel your life is like that at this point. But I tell you, that My Spirit was there, hovering over the surface of the waters. And what did I do to turn that void of chaos into a place of perfect order, light, beauty, fruitfulness, and goodness supreme? I spoke what I wanted to see. I spoke everything that is into being by My Word. My Word is living and working. It is seed that when planted grows into what I purposed it for. In Hebrew My Word is “debar” which also means “thing.” My Words create things. And so do yours. A wise woman builds her house but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands. Proverbs 14:1. Do you understand? Death and life is in the power (in Hebrew the word used here is not “power” but “hand,” your tongue is the hand on the steering wheel of your life) of your tongue. My Words are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. Speak life then that you and your descendants may live. You must know that whatever you are saying you are being the prophet of your own life. You are either building the house of your life or tearing it down with the hand of your tongue. You will be judged for every idle word you speak. Idle words are those of the devil, such as gossip, judging, anger, obscenity, fear, lies, oppression, depression, defeat, failure, hopelessness, stress, mess, confusion, agony, condemnation, shame, blame, bitterness, offense, and I could go on, but I think you get the idea. They are death-dealing. My Words are life-giving, lovely, pure, sweet, forgiving, righteous, true, convicting and correcting but edifying and encouraging, always directing you higher and better, bold, confident, renewing, restoring, victorious, pleasant, always hitting the mark, rousing, filled with hope that does not disappoint, joyful, and comforting. There is a tremendous difference. You know, you see this in others but often you don’t see it in yourself. You are very lenient with what you allow yourself to say.
I gave you dominion authority to rule in your chaos and in the chaos the devil is trying to throw the world back in today. He is always trying to take you back to the darkness of a void and empty chaotic earth that I changed into a place of beauty, order, fruitfulness, light, and goodness. He tries to undo My works, but Jesus came to undo his.
You see, Adam disobeyed My Word and used his dominion authority to turn the earth back into disorder and curse by partnering with an angel, who was sent to serve him but abdicated his assignment to take over instead of serving. But I spoke the Word again over the chaos and My Word became flesh and a people living in darkness have seen a great light. Jesus came to undo in the lives of you who believe in Him what the devil has done. He has come to make you and your life beautiful again as a new creation in Him. Old things have passed away for you and all things have become new. If you will renew your mind to this and begin to speak order into your confusion you will begin to see things change. Guaranteed. I will fight your battles for you but you must speak the direction and the battle cry or I cannot. You have the dominion over your life by your words. But I have given you all you need for life and godliness, I sent My Word to heal you and deliver you, and I have put My Words in YOUR mouth and covered you with the shadow of My hand to re-establish the earth. Send forth My Spirit breathed, Spirit filled Word, and I will renew the face of the earth. Including you.
I told you that when Saul prophesied, he became another man. He went from a weakling hiding among the baggage to a strong king. But then, he, like Adam, fell prey to the devil through jealousy of David and selfish ambition and stopped partnering with Me but took up partnership with an evil spirit and it ruined his life and his sons’ lives, they all died shameful early deaths and lived unfruitful lives. But you must not be like that, prophesy life so that you and your descendants can live.
The centurion knew, he told Jesus, “Just say the word and my servant will be healed.” Jesus told him, “It will be done according to YOUR faith.” And the servant was healed right then though he was a distance away. The Word has no limits of time or space and runs swiftly, the speed of sound is quick, and My Word gives light, and the speed of light is even quicker.
Jesus is the High Priest of your confession. In Greek, the word you translate “confession” is “homologia,” which means saying the same thing, or being in complete agreement. Two can only partner together when they agree. You partner with My Son, and I have called you into partnership with Him as His body on earth, when you agree with My Words by speaking them over every situation of your life and over every part of you, spirit, soul, and body. David knew, he talked to his soul, to his hands, to his body, and to his life.
Prophesy and become another man. A new creation. Prophesy order over your chaos, speak the desired result (the promise in My Word) rather than the dreaded outcome. Just say the Word with your great High Priest and I perform it.
To be saved and become a new man you must agree that Jesus is Lord, well, just as you have received Him, so walk in Him. In your heart and mouth you should treasure My Word above all other words.
Remember My prophet Ezekiel? I showed him a field of dry bones and wasted land. And what did I do? I told HIM to prophesy them back into life. So he turned to the bones and said, “O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD, thus says the LORD God to these bones, ‘Behold, I will cause Spirit to enter you that you may come to life. I will put sinews on you, make flesh grow back on you, cover you with skin and put Spirit in you that you may come alive; and you will know that I am the LORD.’” Ezekiel thus prophesied and as he prophesied, there was a noise, and behold, a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to its bone. And as he looked, and behold, sinews were on them, and flesh grew and skin covered them; but there was no spirit in them. Then I said to Ezekiel, “Prophesy to the Spirit, prophesy, son of man, and say to the Spirit, ‘Thus says the LORD God, “Come from the four winds, O Spirit, and breathe on these slain, that they come to life.’” So Ezekiel prophesied as I commanded, and the Spirit came into them, and they came to life and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army. Ezekiel 37:1-10.
You may feel like your life is like those dry bones and all is lost. But not so. Jesus is the resurrection and the life, and I call you out of your graves as a new creation in Christ. Like Lazarus. But you have to open your mouth and declare you way out. You have to prophesy over your life. The old is gone, the new has come. Just look up verses on what your problem is now that would solve it and declare them to your body and over everything and everyone that is assailing you. Remember, the Word healed the centurion’s servant thought the servant had not requested it and he was a long way off. Selah. You can move nations.
Jesus did not tell you, “Have faith and God will speak to your mountain.” No, He told you, “Have faith in God (have the God kind of faith) and YOU speak to your mountain and your mountain will have to move.” Why? Because when you speak you release My power in My Word and I watch over My Word to perform it. You speak and I move. You don’t speak or you speak the opposite and I cannot move. Up to you to call the shots. You are the prophet of your own life, please partner with Me and speak life that you may live the perfect life of love.
I love you. Where is your faith? If it is not showing up in your mouth, you need to eat a lot of My Word till your heart overflows with it in an abundant stream to your mouth. The mouth speaks from the heart’s abundance. It is not just speaking, it is also getting full of My Word, and that is your part too. You set the standard of how much you want, thirty, sixty or a hundred-fold. And in My Word, I also speak of the thousand-fold! Which one are you headed for? Listen to what you are saying today. If you don’t want it to show up in your life, don’t give it voice. You take thoughts by saying them.