For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:20.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
It is not your DOING, it is My doing that you are transformed, that you are a new creation. You must renew your mind to take it by faith and worship but it is My doing that you are in Christ Jesus whom I have made wisdom to you, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.
You are not of the world though you are in the world, you can live at another level, but that is up to you. Be careful how you walk, making the most of your time. You are the citizen of another Kingdom. Keep your minds there. It is the level of the Spirit and truth. It is these worshippers I seek.
Do not let anyone steal your prize. Never let anyone pull you out of the realm of light back into the realm of darkness. I rescued you from that and translated you to the Kingdom of My beloved Son. Do not fall into fear again, do not fall back into slavery a second time.
I have seated you in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, do not let anyone make you abdicate that throne. Adam did and he stopped living a heavenly existence and began an entirely earthly existence. No divine contact. You never hear him in conversation with Me again. He withdrew to the earth, into the darkness below the light line. His ears became dull to Me. I was still speaking but he was no longer listening. The cares of the world had choked off the heavenly seed.
It is a life of worship in Spirit and in truth that lifts you up higher and puts you in touch with Heaven constantly yet on earth. Jesus lived at that level and so can you through Him.
Again, do not let anyone or anything pull you who are born again of the imperishable seed of My Word out of the glory, instead of descending to their dark level pull them into the glory. My glory is My goodness, My presence, and My power and that is where you need to be living, walking, and conducting your life. Another level. Come up higher and stay there constantly, unshakeable.
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and My glory has risen on you. Isaiah 60:1. For behold, darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness the peoples, do not go down to bickering and anger with them, for I will rise upon you, the sun of righteousness and with healing rays, and My glory will appear upon you. Draw them into the glory by your response of grace. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60:2-3.
If you have died with Christ, and spiritually you all have who receive Him as savior and Lord, for His death to sin was also yours, to the elementary principles of the world, then why, AS IF LIVING IN THE WORLD, do you submit to worldly wisdom that is of devilish cunning and not subject to divine influence, to self-made religion of self-abasement and the traditions of man that contradict My Word? These do not renew your mind; they are of no value against fleshly indulgence. Colossians 2:20-23. My Kingdom is not of eating and drinking (of the flesh and the belly) but of righteousness (takes care of the sin issue), peace (takes care of the torment, guilt and fear issues), and joy (takes care of the medical, physical issues for a cheerful heart is a good medicine) in the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, and you who believe in Him, I have raised up and seated in heaven with Him at My right hand, far above the devil and his demons, KEEP SEEKING THE THINGS ABOVE where Christ is seated at My right hand. Colossians 3:1-2. What are the things above? I have told you. Paul prayed that you would walk in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own Kingdom and Glory. 1 Thessalonians 2:12. And how can you walk in that way? My Word is a light to your path and a lamp to your feet. You who have received My Word, My Word is performing its work in you. 1 Thessalonians 2:13. Jesus is My Word made flesh dwelling among you, Christ in you, your hope of glory, and My Word is living and working, it is Spirit and life, it is changing your from glory to glory by My Spirit and that is not your doing but Mine. Your duty is faith and worship, Mine is to transform you from glory to glory by My Spirit in you. But you must open your heart as good soil to receive My implanted Word and cultivate it to harvest, to fruition. You must walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh, your mind set above and not set below on earthy things, but above on heavenly things. For the mind set on the flesh (looking at situations only in what you can do or other men can do for you) is death, but the mind set on the Spirit (what I can work with, in and through you and others by My power as promised in My Word) is life and peace.
I have entrusted My Holy Spirit to you. This is enormous. You can be filled with all My fullness. You can access My counsel at every moment of the day and night. You can release My peace, My joy, and My resurrection power to change any situation you are facing. But most of you do not though the power is there, you let it lie dormant within you. You never fan it into flame. You quench My Spirit.
Every believer has My Spirit in their born-again spirit, I promised that, just read My prophet Ezekiel. I promised to take out your stony hearts and give you new hearts of flesh and put My Spirit in you. And by the death and resurrection of Jesus I did this. Jesus breathed on His disciples when I raised Him from the dead and they were born again. But there was more. There was the baptism of the Holy Spirit when He came on the disciples and they were clothed with power from on High. Every believer can have that also but that comes through opening yourself and yielding yourself to Him. Worship opens you, and you do that in fellowship with Me (in Spirit) and in My Word (Truth). Jesus said He only spoke My Words and did the works I showed Him as I did the work in Him. He lived in the Kingdom realm on earth. And He did it as one like you. And He told you that you can do the works He did and greater.
To worship you are not seeking works so you can do great things, though that flows from it, you are merely drawing close to Me for the relationship and it is in that relationship as you walk closer and closer with Me you will hear My thoughts and words in each matter. You may have spoken to stop a hurricane coming in a way I show you but to the next hurricane Satan stirs up or to the pestilence he unleashes from hell you have to be sensitive to hear what I speak to you of how to speak to it in a different way. Do not just jump into declaring when a problem comes, though that is good, but it is best to draw aside with Me for a moment, as you see Jesus doing, and get My Word for the situation. Then you can go right to the heart of the problem. But this all comes from relationship, which is worship in Spirit and in truth. My Spirit guides you to all truth and shares My deepest thoughts with you, things that cannot enter your mind on an earthly, worldly level, for to the world, this seems nonsense for it is not of human reasoning but divine.
If you walk in an ongoing encounter with Me you will know no impossibility. Faith and worship bring all good into your life because you are listening to what the Word for the moment, what the work for the moment is.
You have the great privilege of representing another world, My Kingdom, in the earth. And My Kingdom is at hand if you will reach out to grasp hold of it. You live under an open Heaven ever since I rent it (tore it apart) for Jesus to come down and for the Holy Spirit to descend on Him like a dove and remain. Remember John said I had told him he would know the Messiah because he would see the Spirit descending upon Him as a dove out of heaven and remaining upon Him, that He would be the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit. And he saw the heavens rent open and the dove descend on Jesus and remain, and one he say he testified that this Jesus was the Son of God. John 1:32-35. “After being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting on Him.” Matthew 3:16.
And now Jesus has baptized you in the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:33, and this is the Spirit on you. Resting on you. But just to talk in a way that is an illustration but not the reality, a dove is gentle and can be easily put to flight. If a dove is resting on your shoulder and you want to keep it nestling there you are careful how you walk about. Walk so as not to grieve Him. He is in every believer but He is not on every one of them if they have sent Him away. Paul wrote, “Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness . . . be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourself and one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father.” Ephesians 5:12-20. Be careful how you walk. Walk in a manner worthy of your calling to My Kingdom and glory, keep in constant contact with My heart in the Spirit. Walk higher.
When you walk into a room or are in your home, you will release into that place what is overshadowing you. If you are bitter, mad, offended, and hostile in your heart, even though you say nothing, that will communicate itself into the place and to the people in that place. It will set the atmosphere to that spirit. If you affection is set on Me and releasing My Word and resurrection power into that place then I clothe you in the blanket of My presence as you are overshadowed by My hand and form within you the rivers of living water will flow until that place is flooded with glory. You can change the atmosphere of a place by the atmosphere that is surrounding you. If it is My heavenly Kingdom you are walking in within your heart, it will manifest because the light you bring will drive out the darkness so that My Kingdom will manifest in healing, signs, and wonders.
Open your heart in worship and let My Spirit rest on you before you enter a place, before you get out of bed, before you face difficult people, storms, and evil. And walk in the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and fortitude, the Spirit of knowledge and fear of the LORD, and make Me your delight. For your shadow will release what overshadows you. That is why Peter’s shadow healed all those upon whom it fell.
When you are walking in My glory (My goodness), My glory will go with you wherever you go. Like the cloud of My glory over the meeting tent, the tabernacle in the wilderness, directing the journey of the Israelites through the desert to the Promised Land. Now you are My tabernacle being led and leading others to the Promised Land by My glory.
Be aware of Me, be aware of My Spirit resting on you, so that your awareness of Me is greater than your awareness of problems. Otherwise, if you live in reaction to problems you are in a constant battle, whereas if you live in response to Me you are living in constant peace and victory.
Release My peace into the earth and it will look to find others who will receive it, if they will not it will come back to you to increase your peace. And how do you do that? The same way Noah did. He released the dove out of the ark and when it found no where to land it came back to him and he drew it in to himself. But when he sent it out again and again it found a place to land. Keep sending out the rivers of My Spirit and more will always be rushing back in. A never-ending overflow. Ask Jesus for a drink and He will give you the life-giving water of the Holy Spirit like a fountain within you leaping up and out to eternal life. Draw everyone to sail with you.
I love you. I am seeking those worshippers who worship in Spirit and truth. Let My Spirit rest on you. Stop polluting your home and heart with bitterness, offense and blame and open yourself to a higher level to receive the gifts, glory, and blessing of My Kingdom. You can live with your mind above where you are seated with Christ at My right hand. Do not let anyone or anything make you abdicate your throne for staying in the ash heap.