Seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near. Isaiah 55:6.
Thus says the LORD who made the earth, the LORD who formed it to establish it, the LORD is His name, ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:2-3.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
Have you ever had someone say to you, “If you need anything, just give me a call”? Maybe you have said it to someone yourself.
Call. You are always calling—to make an appointment, to check on a time to be somewhere, to inquire about a purchase, to order a delivery, to get someone’s attention that you see in the distance on the street. Doctors sometimes make house calls. You call friends and relatives to catch up and to share ideas and news. You call for help.
But do you call on Me? I invite you many times to do so. Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and mighty things you could not know. I am an ever-present help in times of trouble.
In fact, before calling anyone else you should call Me. I am your first responder. No one else loves you as I do and no one else can do for you what I can do. Nothing is too wonderful for Me and I can do more in you than you can ask or imagine. Call.
Whoever calls on My Name, the Name of the LORD, will be saved. And I have given My Name to My Son and He has shared it with you.
Call to Me while I am near. Seek Me while I can be found. Forsake pride and self-abasement and call on your Father in Heaven. This is the age of grace. Just call. I will rescue you, deliver you, answer you, honor you, heal you, bless you, and give you revelation of great and mighty things you could not know in the earth realm, only in the heavenlies. I have seated you with Christ at My right hand, I am near to your call. When you seek Me with your heart, you will find Me right there with you and you will find you are right there with Me. Draw near. It all starts with a call.
I called to Adam after he turned to another voice that was not My Word but he no longer had ears for My call. He no longer called Me into his life. He no longer sought My company. He closed his heart and that closed his ears to My voice.
Call to Me and I will answer you. That is a promise. Do not take My Word lightly. I who made the ear can hear.
When you call Me in you authorize My intervention in the situation. I can rescue and deliver you.
If you don’t call 911 they will not come. Without authorization they cannot administer to you. You can call 911 for emergency aid for another and they will come, but if that person refuses to go with them or allow them to treat him, they must desist and cease intervention.
You can intercede for another and I will come but if they refuse My help, I must honor that. But if they will let Me in, you will have your miracle. Sometimes your letting Me in can be enough.
If you need anything, just call on Me. I am the LORD your Shepherd, there is nothing you shall want. Those who seek Me want for no good thing. Search Scripture and you will find that no one called upon Me that did not receive My answer. Call and I will answer. That is a promise I will not break. I am for you, not against you. Call. But you have to call.
But I would like to go deeper. I knock at the door and if you will hear My voice and open the door I will come in and dine with you and you with Me. I call your name. I call you. I call you to My Kingdom and glory. I call you to come to Me and find rest and to learn. I call to you to forsake wicked thoughts and come share My thoughts. I call to you to come reason with Me. I call to you to follow Me. Paul prayed you would know the hope of My calling. It is a high calling.
Would you say to Me, “If you need anything, just call me?” Most would think that foolish, and yet, I ask for those who will be there for Me. Can you not even watch one hour with Me? I may need your prayers for someone who is not praying and is close to going to hell, I may need you to go to a sick person and lay hands on them, I may need you to stop a hurricane or put down a pestilence, I may need you to go tell someone about Jesus and lead them in the prayer of salvation, I may need you to go and provide food, shelter, or funds for someone, I may need you to repair a church. I need you to pray My Kingdom into the earth. I seek you to pray for those who are leaders of nations. I call you to pray for all people to be saved and come to know the truth. I call you into fellowship with My Son in His work of ministry. I call you to witness in all the earth. I call you.
I told My prophet Isaiah that I looked around to find someone to intercede, someone who would join up with Me for salvation of souls, and I found no one! No one to intercede. Everyone was seeking their own interests but no one was seeking the interests of Christ Jesus in His mission to save, deliver, and heal all those oppressed of the devil. He came to undo the works of the devil. I call you by name, do you ever answer? Or when I call is your line busy? Do you put Me on hold? Do not withhold the good you can do now for what looks like a more opportune time to you. Now is the day of salvation.
When I call are you quick to hear? Are you like Abraham when I called his name? Do you remember what he would say? “Behold! Here I am.” And no matter what I asked him he was ready to go, even if he did not know where he was going, even if it was to sacrifice his son, even if it was to intercede for a nation. He trusted Me and he was there for Me and I was there for him. We had made covenant. And I have made it with you in My Son. Friends and covenant partners are there for each other. Each can call on the other and know they will get a swift answer. I do swift justice for you who call on My Name.
When I first called to Samuel, he did not know My voice. He went off looking for who called him. But I revealed Myself to him in My Word and he came to know My voice. He answered My call, and he also would call upon Me. And I answered. Even with thunder. “So Samuel called to the LORD, and the LORD sent thunder and rain that day; and all the people greatly feared the LORD and Samuel.” 1 Samuel 12:18.
I called Moses up to meet with Me in the cloud of glory on the mountain and he responded. His life was never the same again. It became a life of glory. From glory to glory. Exodus 24:16.
I called Paul, then Saul, on the road to Damascus, and he answered My call. He never turned back. And he learned to call on Me. He had many trials from those whom he tried to save, but he called on Me and I delivered him out of them all.
Elijah called on Me to send fire from heaven and I did, but before that I had called to him for many years and he always responded to My call and went to speak the words I gave him to say.
You call to Me, I answer you, and then I call to you, and you answer Me. That is fellowship at a high degree. And together we break Kingdom living to the earth. And that is your assignment once you are saved. To bring My Kingdom of light wherever you go. I have called you and anointed you for the nations. You have called Me and made Me the LORD of your life. And now I ask you to call to those in your life so that they can learn to call on Me for all they need and for salvation in every situation, and so that as they walk into maturity of sonship I can call on them too to do My Work in the earth. Be a sower of seed and a grower of grace and a harvester of every fruit. But every plant that is not of Me must be pulled up. Be careful what you are planting and growing, be careful upon whom you are calling and whose call you are listening too. Make sure it matches up with My Words before you go. Adam knew that what the devil called him to did not match My Word in the least but he answered anyway. It cost him his life.
Be careful what you hear. “Why was there no man when I came? When I called, why was there none to answer? Is My hand so short that it cannot ransom? Or have I no power to deliver?” Isaiah 50:2.
I love you. Call on Me and let Me call on you. My sheep hear My voice and call each one by name.
And the LORD appeared again at Shiloh, because the LORD revealed Himself to Samuel at Shiloh by the Word of the LORD. 1 Samuel 3:21.