And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7.
And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go into peace and be healed of your affliction.” Mark 5:34.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God (אלהים) says:
You cannot overcome Satan if you are not at peace. Only My peace will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. And true peace that will not change with circumstances comes through faith. When Satan, the accuser, comes, you have to know you are forgiven to have peace about your life and to know you have peace with Me. When Satan sends illness against you, you have to know that I am your healer to have peace when you are attacked with symptoms, pain, or a medical diagnosis that is contrary to what you were hoping to hear. When Satan tries to put you in fear about your finances or your physical strength to have an independent future, you have to know that I am your provider to have peace about your future and about your life from day to day.
Only if you are rooted and grounded in the truth, and My Word alone is absolute truth, and know by faith that the truth is for you, will you have the peace that surpasses understanding in the face of attack.
And that is today’s life lesson on what to do when Satan attacks: “Go into Peace.” And that should be your immediate response. When My Son healed the woman who had suffered a hemorrhage for twelve years, He told her two things, that her faith had made her well, for by faith she had connected with My healing power in My Son, and to go into peace. My Son knew that Satan would not give up, the only way she would keep her healing and not have Satan get her into fear again that she would lose it was by going into peace. And in that peace she would be able to rebuke any attacks of Satan whereby he tried to make her doubt the permanence of her healing by recurring symptoms.
You can only prosper and be in good health if your soul is prospering, and that will only happen if you are walking in the truth, but there is one step more, you must have faith that the truth is applicable to you. The woman with the internal bleeding knew My Name given to Moses was the LORD who heals you, but for twelve years she suffered her infirmity seeking worldly help to be healed, but until she heard about Jesus she had no faith that the word of healing was for her. But when she stopped looking at the symptoms and looked to Jesus, and kept opening wide her mouth to call in her healing, speaking the end from the beginning of her journey to Jesus, she opened the pipeline to healing by her faith.
You have to know that in Christ Jesus I have made you worthy to receive all of My magnificent promises, for they are all “yes” to you in Him, to be able to receive them. When you believed in the gospel of your salvation, I sealed you in Christ Jesus with the Holy Spirit of promise. It is My doing that you are in Christ Jesus, not based on your merits so that you could fall in and out, but based on His finished work of making peace between us by the blood of His cross. And I have made Him to be wisdom for you, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption. 1 Corinthians 1:30. And He has reconciled you to Me and made you holy, blameless, and beyond reproach before Me. You can come to Me with confidence to receive mercy and find grace for help in time of need. You have a firm anchor of hope behind the veil by the new and living way of the blood of Jesus.
If you don’t have peace it means you have already let the devil in because he is the disturber of your peace. I am not a God of confusion but of peace. The greeting Jesus gave His fearful disciples when I raised Him from the dead was “Peace.”
I am Yahweh Shalom, the LORD is peace. This is one of My Covenant Names. And I have given you My Son Jesus in fulfillment of that Name, that is, of the promise contained in My Name. Jesus is your peace, He is Prince of Peace, and He gave you His peace. But you will note that gift has a command with it for you to receive and enjoy it as you ought: “Do not let your heart be troubled, do not let your heart be afraid.” John 14:27. That is your part. My part was to give you peace, your part is to keep it. Go into peace. But you can only do that by faith in My Word, which shows trust in resting on My promises no matter what the devil shoots at you.
If you have lost your inner peace, and you will know right away when you have for you will be agitated, confused, fearful, unhappy, and a host of other negative emotions, this is the result of two things: you need to feed your faith and you have already let Satan trap you in his game of chess. You have taken in his thoughts and he has taken your peace. Your shield of faith went down and you did not check him. And when you do not have peace, you will allow Satan to run all over you and you will not check him.
And when your peace is gone, your joy is gone too.
If this is the situation in your life, you can turn it around. First, you must feed your faith. You do this by hearing and hearing My Word until you are full of faith in the area that you need it to counter Satan’s attack, such as healing, provision, forgiveness, sanctification, joy, future hope, and as various and vast as My many magnificent promises. And how do you know when you are getting full? When you start speaking in line with the faith that is growing in your heart. There is a change in your vocabulary. You begin speaking those things that be not as though they are until they manifest. You have answers for the devil’s attack. You start laughing at him instead of crying and cowering and begging Me to do whatever he is telling you that you do not have when I already have given it to you. You just have to stand your ground and receive.
The woman with the spirit of infirmity on her that bent her over for eighteen years just put up with it. But My Son set her free in just a few seconds by simple command. Learn from Him and imitate Him.
And be sure you keep your eyes on Jesus, that is, on My Word– study the healings, the miracles, the provision, the forgiveness that you see in His life in the Gospels and apply them to your own situation. See what He did and what those who received healing did and follow Christ. But don’t stop there, go further, and read the letters of Paul about the power I have put in you and become conscious of My Spirit within you. Believe in the resurrection power I have put into your born again spirit and begin to command things as I tell you to do in my Word.
And the second thing you must do is to pray and sing in tongues. This will allow My Spirit to get hold of the helm of your mind with you and turn it so all things work together for good in your life, for I pour My love in your heart by the gift of My Holy Spirit and praying in tongues will communicate My plan for your life to you step by step.
If you have no peace, it is a good indication that you need to feed your faith and edify yourself by praying in tongues. You need to step aside with Me and let Me minister to you.
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30.
To live a triumphant life you must have peace as the corner stone of the edifice of your life. Jesus is the chief cornerstone and He is your peace, for no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11. In Jesus, and all I did for you in Him, you see that you are loved, that you are forgiven, that you are healed, that you have a good shepherd, and that you have Heaven open to you. In Him, it has pleased Me to give you the Kingdom. If you know this, you will have peace. My Kingdom is one of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Peace is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that will be produced in your spirit.
Fear will disturb your peace. When Satan comes after your peace you must resist and refuse to give up your peace. He will try to put fear, bitterness, regret, anger, various lusts and addictions upon you to steal your peace. If he can get you to doubt My Word, he can take your peace. Recognize his tactics and refuse to let him get away with them with you. Do NOT let your heart be troubled or afraid. How can you do that? Feed your faith, speak out your faith even before you are totally convinced, be like the woman with the issue of blood and just keep saying the end from the beginning until you have mixed My promises with your faith. In this you will be imitating Me as My dear children, for I speak the end from the beginning as well.
And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. James 3:18.
I love you and I have given you already all you need to live a life of divine health, prosperity, joy, and peace. When you are fully persuaded of that you will have peace.