Then let Him be gracious to him, and say, “Deliver him from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom, let his flesh become fresher than in youth, let him return to the days of his youthful vigor. Job 33:24-25.

Today your LORD (יהוה) God (אלהים) says:

People seek renewal of their youth as they grow older. Explorers in past ages have taken whole expeditions searching for the fountain of youth. You may laugh at that, but even today many will pay great amounts for surgery, various kinds of treatments with chemicals and laser, supplements, gym memberships, personal trainers, medical professionals specializing in these areas, dietary advice, theories and philosophies that are sworn to give you youthful vigor even in old age. But although physical training is of some value, godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8. Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness, it has great rewards.

I have given  you a promise of renewal of youth and My Word is truth, it is impossible for Me to lie. I satisfy those who cling to Me in love and know My Name with long life. A satisfying life filled with good days, not a sickly, depressing life filled with bad days spent in weakness and pain.

For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! Romans 5:17.

It is the spirit that gives life. The flesh is useless. Life is lived from the inside out. In all things, every arena of your life, I desire that you prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers, and your soul prospers only in one way, by walking, living, abiding, and resting in the freedom of the truth.

And what is truth? My Word.

So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My Word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31-32.

Sanctify them by the truth; your Word is truth. John 17:17.

So first let Me show you the promises in My Word about renewal of youth.

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits; He pardons all your iniquities, He heals all your diseases; He redeems your life from the pit, He crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion; He satisfies your years with good things, your youth is renewed like the eagle. Psalm 103:1-5.

This is My covenant blessing package and it is all “yes” to you in Christ Jesus. 2 Corinthians 1:20. And it includes renewal of youth.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power. Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired,

They will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40:28-31.

The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, he will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green, Psalm 92:12-14.

Who is the man who desires life and loves length of days that he may see good? Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit. Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. Psalm 34:12-14.

For you have made the LORD, my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place. No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent. Psalm 91:10.

Although Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died, his eye was not dim, nor his vigor abated. Deuteronomy 34:7.

And they drew near to the gates of death. Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble; He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Psalm 107:18-20.

There is only one way you will live a life of youthful vigor and be filled with joy and peace; you have to renew your mind. Renewal of your youth starts with and is maintained by the renewal of your mind. No matter how much you work on the physical appearance if you are tormented by your mind it will be to no avail.

Of what am I speaking? Worry. Anxiety. Fear. Hatred. Malice. Unforgiveness. Resentment. Jealousy. Strife. Depression. Until you learn how to take hold of My thoughts so as to enter into and work from My rest you will never be set free from these things. And these things will destroy your body and age you prematurely. A depressed spirit dries up the bones.

Today I am beginning a series of life lessons to give you wisdom on how to live long and live strong upon the earth and then just walk with Me to the eternal day where there is no aging, no pain, no death, no mourning, no sin, no torment, and no curse. Life where all kingdoms of the earth have become My Kingdom, which I then give to you who are in Covenant with Me, the justified, sanctified and glorified who have joined as one spirit with Me in Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior.

Let us begin with the basics. You have a spirit, a soul, and a body that houses them. And for you to have a life of renewed youth, your spirit has to be in control of  your soul and body. You have to have a strong spirit. And the only way that comes about is on spirit food and spiritual exercise.

Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4.

My Words are life to those who find them and health (healing) to all their flesh. Proverbs 4:22.

Your spirit is the real you, the inner man of your heart, where you hear and receive input from Me. I am spirit and you are made in My image and according to My likeness. Your soul consists of your mind (intellect, reasoning, processing of information received), your will (decisions of what you will believe and do), and your emotions (feelings and desires). And your body, which I formed from the dust of the clay so you could dwell upon the earth I had made for you, was made to be immortal and not subject to death, sickness, or decay.

However, when the first man and woman made the life changing decision to choose the lies of the devil over the truth of My Words, they were born again by the corrupted seed of his lies and their spirits died to Me and became alive to sin. They were no longer under My jurisdiction but had transferred to the realm of darkness. They had a new father, the devil, and as such had his inheritance, which is sin, death, and hell. They shut Me out of their lives and out of the world I had made and given them dominion authority over. They handed their dominion authority to the devil for the rest of the term of their lease.

And life comes from the inside out. When man’s spirit became dead to Me and alive to sin, the soul and flesh followed. The wages of sin is death.

Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned. Romans 5:12.

Adam fell from immortal flesh to mortal, so as his descendants your body is not eternal but is perishable and subject to deformities and illness, like a suit of clothes that wears out and needs to be replaced with new clothing. And when you rise from death, you are clothed in immortality. You will receive a spiritual glorified body that is fit for the heavenly Kingdom, fit for the spiritual and eternal existence reserved for those in Covenant with Me.

And the only way you can enter eternal life is by being born again by the incorruptible seed of My Word. When I first made you, you were born by the incorruptible seed of My Word, but when Adam submitted to the devil’s corrupted word over My Words, he was born again of corruptible seed. But the good news is that Jesus paid your ransom with Me for the eternal life you lost in the flesh, with His eternal life in the flesh that He had as the second and final Adam. No one else qualified to pay the ransom for every descendant of Adam was born of perishable seed. So I came down in Christ and My Word, My incorruptible, imperishable Word took flesh in the womb of the virgin Mary and there was no corruptible seed.

Then let Him be gracious to him, and say, “Deliver him from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom, let his flesh become fresher than in youth, let him return to the days of his youthful vigor. Job 33:24-25.

I have found a ransom. He came to serve you and not to be served, to give His life as a ransom for you all. The ransom has been paid by the blood of My Son, so release your faith and walk in the benefits that flow therefrom. Now you can be born again by believing in My Word made flesh who took your sins, paid your penalty satisfying divine justice on your behalf by His blood has released you from your sins and made a kingdom, priests unto Me—a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set apart—My own special treasure, My family and heirs, joint heirs with Jesus. And He is the resurrection and the life. And He is My Word.

And I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Not a tormented mind, but a mind at rest that is overflowing with My goodness and things of excellence.

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:1-2.

Transformed from darkness to light, from death to life, from sickness to health, from poverty to wealth, and from weakness to strength.

And how is it done? My Word. Renew your mind to think My thoughts and have a life like I do. Eternal. There is life in My Word.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. Ephesians 5:25-27.

You see that Jesus, My Word, washes you with living water with the Word so that He might present you to Himself having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing. The Word cleanses you and takes away your wrinkles. The dew of youth. Daily Manna comes down on the dew.

And that is where all youth renewal starts and is rooted and grows upon and is maintained upon: My Word. Eat it by reading it, meditating on it, hearing it, and speaking it. Joshua 1:8. Wash in it by hearing and hearing it until your mind is purified of the profane and filled with the holy and you are transformed. Romans 12:1-2. Drink it by singing in the Spirit and drawing it up from the springs of Salvation. Isaiah 12; Ephesians 5:18-20. And taste it and find it filled with goodness and sweeter than honey to a bitter mindset. Psalm 34:8; Psalm 119:103; Psalm 19:10.

I love you and I renew your youth but you have a part too: do not let your heart be troubled, do not let it be afraid, cast all care on Me and release your faith with joy. And we will talk more about this in our next Life Lesson.