Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15.
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6-7.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
Just as you accepted Jesus as your Savior and substitute before Me for the forgiveness of your sins, the same applies for everything in your life. And it is not by your own efforts but by His work. It is My gift to you of Jesus and His finished work that takes away all punishment for your sins and saves you from the wrath to come. And the same applies in area of holiness, provision and healing. You are in Christ Jesus. In the same way you accepted Jesus as your Savior, so live in Him. Colossians 2:6. Accept Him as your true self. Do not look at your struggling self and your weaknesses and think you cannot be holy in My sight. Your true self in My eyes is the Man at My right Hand. Your identity before Me has changed. You have died and been crucified in Him. When Jesus was on the cross I put all of you in Him, when He died you died to sin in Him. Now you live, but not you, Christ lives in you. When you face problems and challenges, it is not you facing it, but Christ facing it for you.
You are still uniquely you before Me and I love you for who you are, but I put you in Him as My gift to you because I love you so much and want you to be with Me forever so much that I make you righteous with no work of your own. Rest in Him. Take His yoke and learn from Him, you will find it light and easy. Look away from your short comings and see the Man at My right Hand. Keep your eyes on Jesus and your mind where He is seated at My right hand above and off yourself. He is the way you are judged and accepted. He is the new you. You are a new creation in Him. He represents you in the New Covenant. He is at My right Hand representing you. He is one hundred percent God and man. He died as man and rose as man. My heart is resting in joy in the perfect Man, Jesus, but that Man is also who you are when you are in Him. It is an indescribable gift of grace. 2 Corinthians 9:15. It is the divine exchange—He emptied Himself to take on all your bad and give you all His good.
When temptation comes remember it is not you who struggle with it alone. He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world and He gives you the grace to overcome any trial and temptation. As He is so are you in this world.
The way out of any struggle is to know that in Him you died to sin and rose for Me—that you sat down at My right Hand when He did and today I see you seated in Heaven with Him and the devil is beneath your feet. You are more than a conqueror in Him. There is no trial or temptation that you cannot resist simply by resting in Him and casting all your care on Me because I care for you. I gave you My Son so that in Him you could be My righteousness. I gave Him to you to bear your burdens, your griefs, your sorrows, your shame, your infirmities and ills, your estrangement from Me, and your sins so that you can roll them all over on Him. Do not take them on yourselves a second time.
I reconciled the world to Myself in Jesus and gave you who receive Him My Spirit of power, love, and self control. Take advantage of it and rest in it.
And little becomes much in the presence of Jesus. Practice His presence. He is your lamb of sacrifice. He is your offering so that you never come to Me empty handed.
When I raised you with Christ and He sat down at My right Hand, I sat you there with Him. You are very close to Me and you are seated on Jesus’ throne with Him. Revelation 3:21; Ephesians 2:6. So you must draw near to Me in and through Jesus.
Even though I see you there, and you are there, many of you are not aware of it. To be conscious of My presence and My love you must consciously practice the presence of Jesus. And in His presence little becomes much, whether it be your health, your finances, your business, or winning souls for My Kingdom.
My Son told you He is with you always till the end of this age. Then you will be with Us all the time and be very aware of Our presence for you shall see Us as We are and be just like Jesus. And as He is so I see you who are in Him now.
You must be aware of Jesus with you. Peter, even though he was a disciple of Jesus and was close to Him physically on earth, felt a distance from Him that John did not feel. Why? Peter looked more at himself and his ability to please Jesus than at the love Jesus had for him and Jesus’ desire to give Peter the strength to will and to do his assignment. John never boasted of his love for Jesus, he knew and believed in the love Jesus had for him and the grace Jesus gave to him. And even Peter was aware that somehow John had a closer connection to Jesus than he did. But Jesus was the same to them all, He rejects no one who comes to Him. Some of you, however, come closer than others to Him and when you draw close to Me, I draw close to you.
Let Me draw you to Me by My love for you—just as the beloved in Song of Songs runs to the sweet odor of My ointments—the fragrance of My love in the anointing poured on you by My Spirit. My everlasting arms are stretching out to you all the day, waiting for you to draw near to My embrace, just as the father was waiting to embrace the prodigal son.
John had come to know and believe in the love I had for Him and he was fearless. He practiced My presence day and night and it was what sustained him through every trial he faced, even exile on Patmos. For who did he see with him on Patmos in that lonely cave? My risen Son. And He is with you always. He promised you that. Are you experiencing Him? When you draw close to Me, I send you Jesus to walk with you. You will be aware of Him with you, either as a little child to lead you and light up your day with joy or as your Good Shepherd guiding you through the valley of darkness to the table of plenty beside restful waters of peace.
Do you see Him with you? Do you partner with Him in saving souls and healing the sick? He is right where you are. You are a member of His Body on earth. Practice His presence in your imagination. Become God inside minded. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.
Where Jesus is there is abundance—abundance of healing, health, provision, and life. Do you remember when Jesus appeared to the seven disciples who were fishing after His resurrection? They worked hard and caught nothing all night. They were working without Jesus. They were unaware of Him. But with the dawn, He stood on the shore and told them to cast their net off the starboard side. When they obeyed His Word, the empty toil was over and their work at His direction brought abundance to them. They went out of the world system into the Kingdom system.
And you will notice that the seven disciples in the boat were not able to pull in the net because of the great number of fish that had been caught in it. John 21:6. But when Peter jumped out of the boat and drew near Jesus, then at Jesus’ direction, Peter alone had the strength to drag in the net to the shore that before seven men could not pull in. John 21:11. You can do all things in Him who strengthens you.
In the presence of Jesus little becomes much, weakness becomes strength, and illness becomes health.
I love you. And when you love Me, I give you Jesus to be with you always. Take advantage of His presence. Walk in Him and with Him every day all day and every night all night. Do not go anywhere or do anything without Him.