Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God (אלהים) says:
I am with you. The only way you can have joy, confidence, victory, comfort, peace, and walk with your head held high is to know that I am with you and I am for you. It is then you can live it, breathe it, and enjoy it. In the long run and ultimate destination of your life there is only One with whom you have to do and that is Me.
There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Luke 21:25-28.
When you are with Me and I am with you, you will not fear in these last days at the increase in evil in the ungodly and Satan’s final frantic efforts to take mankind captive, no, you will start bubbling with joy that soon the One you have been walking with for so many years is coming to rescue you once again and take you up to be forever with Him and with Me, for we are One and you, who have loved Him and longed for His coming, are also one with Him and Me. And you will be changed in the twinkling of an eye to your new and glorious heavenly immortal body. The completion of your redemption package for which you were purchased by the blood of Christ and sealed in Him by the Holy Spirit when you believed in the Gospel of your Salvation.
In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of possession, to the praise of His glory. Ephesians 1:13-14.
You are sealed in us by the Holy Spirit in you. You can know without a doubt I am with you, and not only with you but in you. Jesus assured you who are His disciples (those who abide in His Word) are never alone.
I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Paraclete, one at your side to pull the helm of your life with you, Romans 8:26), that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.” John 14:16-17.
And then He explained more about what you have in Him:
“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also. In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.” John 14:18-21.
The awareness of our presence. Jesus is with you always until the end of this age, and then you shall be always with Us in the Kingdom. You shall see Me face-to-face and I will wipe every tear from your eyes. But let Me start now, for I am the God of all comfort and I will never leave you or forsake you. But to know and enjoy My presence you must know that I am for you and not against you. When Adam and Eve sinned they hid from Me, after all that time they still did not know Me, that I was for them, but David knew Me and when he sinned he ran to Me to get his sin washed away. Why the difference? He knew that I was for him, never against him.
This I know, that God is for me. In God, whose word I praise, in the LORD, whose word I praise, in God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid. Psalm 56:9-11.
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies; who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. Romans 8:31-34.
I have not left you orphans even though Adam and Eve rejected Me as Father to them, I have adopted you back who are willing to come to Me to receive new life. And My Spirit in you witnesses with your spirit that you are My children.
For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ. Romans 8:15-17.
But just as I am with you, you must also be with Me to enjoy the journey of time and eternity. Without Me the world is a very perilous, dark, and lonely place but with Me it is a garden of delight, like the Eden I made for you that you were to replenish and spread out to all the earth, till all was a garden place to be lived in. No waste places either in your lives nor in the earth.
And when I saw how lost and how in the outer darkness of the continuum of life man had wandered from Me, I sought to give you back the joy of My presence and the delights at My right hand forever through My Word and through making Covenant with you.
Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.” John 14:23.
Abraham listened to and obeyed My Word and I made Covenant with him and he never walked alone again.
“I am God Almighty; walk before Me, and be blameless. I will establish My covenant between Me and you, and I will multiply you exceedingly.” Genesis 17:1-2.
And whenever My people were faced with trouble and cried out to Me, I came to rescue them but I had to work the rescue with the cooperation of the one who had cried to Me for help so that I would be authorized through your dominion authority to work upon the earth. My presence will involve you.
When the Israelites cried out to Me, I came down to rescue them with Moses. When I told Moses My plans, he doubted he could do so great a task, but My answer was simple, “I am with you,” and he found that was all he needed to have an amazing supernatural life. And he grew so used to having Me with him that when the people were sinning against Me and I said I would send an angel to lead them but I would not go, Moses stood his ground that if I would not be with them, he was not going either. He was not budging without Me. He loved My presence, My glory, he was happy just being with Me on the mountain and receiving revelation, he forgot to eat or drink and did not need to, My presence was enough for him and made him radiant and young, even at 120 years.
And then when Joshua was facing his assignment to lead My people in to conquer the promised land, I assured him that just as I had been with Moses so I was with him. And I told him not to fear for I was with him wherever he went. And before any battle he consulted Me and at any defeat, he consulted Me to find the cause, and I gave him the strategies, I sent My Heavenly Host to fight with My people, and I revealed to him when there was sin in the camp that stopped the victory. And he saw all My magnificent promises fulfilled for him and for Caleb and the people that followed his lead. All those who believed I was with them, as I was.
And later Gideon was hiding from he enemy and wondering why I did not rescue them as I had with Moses, and he found that when he called, I answered, and came to rescue My people but I told him that he would do it. He thought that impossible, but I told him I would be with him, and when I am with you, nothing is impossible. And it all worked out as I had said for a very great victory that Gideon had the glory for. Fruit is on the branch and that is what people see and give glory to Me for your good works.
And I tell you I was with David to help him wherever he went. Why? He always engaged Me in his life. When you draw close to Me, I draw close to you. And David initiated My involvement in his life by praise, worship and awareness of My presence.
I will bless the LORD who has counseled me; indeed, my mind instructs me in the night. I have set the LORD continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:7-8.
And you can do the same, you do not have to wait for the appearance of an angel, you can step up and say, “Here I am, send me!” And I will be with you wherever you go working wonders.
So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the attesting miracles that followed. Mark 16:19-20.
There is joy, pure joy, My kind of joy, in My presence.
You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever. Psalm 16:12.
Jesus told you that abiding in His presence by abiding in His Word, like a branch in the vine, the anointing of joy with which I anointed Him can flow into you as well and make you fruitful.
These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. John 15:11.
When you become aware of Me and begin to find I answer and converse with you, prayer becomes delightful and continuous conversation between earth and Heaven.
Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you . . . But as for me, the nearness of God is my good. Psalm 73:25, 28.
David loved My presence; he longed for it and sought it. And you can too for now My Spirit dwells in you and not just upon you.
O God, You are my God; I shall seek You early, my soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory. Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips will praise You. So I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. My soul is satisfied as with oil and fatness, and my mouth offers praises with joyful lips. Psalm 63:1-5.
David never wanted Me to take My Holy Spirit from on him. That was his major concern when he sinned, for at that time, My Spirit could not be in people as their spirits were not born again since Jesus had not yet died and raised from the dead, but only on them. But when Samuel anointed him, My Spirit rushed on David and never left him. Why? He valued that gift more than life itself. Do you? Are you even aware of the Holy Spirit within you to lead, teach, and guide you to all truth? Or do you grieve and quench Him instead?
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit. Psalm 51:10-12.
One thing I have asked from the LORD, that I shall seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the delightful beauty of the LORD and to inquire of Him in His temple. Psalm 27:4.
And in the New Covenant a change takes place. Now your born again spirit has My Spirit breathed into you when you are regenerated by My Word by the Holy Spirit and I pour My love and My presence into your heart by My gift to you in Jesus of the Holy Spirit. He is now in every born again believer. And He is not only in but on all believers who have then been baptized by Jesus with the Holy Spirit, which is evidenced by the speaking in other tongues. You are baptized into Jesus by the Holy Spirit and you are baptized in the Holy Spirit by Jesus.
And now the Holy Spirit in you can give you the Words to speak in witnessing to Jesus and lead you to the people who will receive those words.
One of My Covenant promise Names is Yahweh Shammah, “the LORD is there,” wherever you are I am there, no matter where you go I am there. It is the promise of My abiding presence. Wherever you are, I am there with you and in My presence you find fullness of joy. Joy unspeakable filled with glory, joy in so great a Salvation, purchased for you by the blood of Jesus and sealed by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the resurrection and the life. He was dead but now lives forever. The disciples mourned His death and were caught up by joy to see Him very much alive, right in their midst, in beauty and splendor. And He is with you always.
And in that upper room where He stepped in through locked doors, radiant with Heaven’s light, and said “Shalom is with you.” And then He breathed on them and said “Receive the Holy Spirit.” And they were never alone again. And then after they saw Him go up to return to His throne at My right hand there came their clothing with the power from on high, the baptism in the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. The mantle fell for the double portion anointing for the church of the firstborn so that they could do the works Jesus did and greater because He was with them in resurrected power.
When Christ died you died with him to sin, and when I raised Him, I raised you with Him to newness of life and seated you with Him in Heaven in the Spirit. Be aware of His presence with you by keeping your mind above where Jesus is seated at My right hand and not on the earth below. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you walk in the Spirit, the mind set on the Spirit, and not set on the flesh.
And what does it mean that I am with you? It means that problems are never really problems anymore because I rescue you. I have rescued you out of darkness into My own marvelous light.
Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:12-14.
When you read the story of Abraham’s great grandson, Joseph, I tell you a number of times, that I was with Joseph. So take a look at what that meant in his life and you will see what it means in yours as well.
My servant Stephen sums up for you what it meant that I was with Joseph, “The patriarchs became jealous of Joseph and sold him into Egypt. Yet God was with him, and rescued him from all his afflictions, and granted him favor and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and he made him governor over Egypt and all his household.” Acts 7:9-10.
Here you see what it means that I am with you, which is possible when you have opened your heart to be in Covenant with Me, then I have right to intervene in your life. But I also want you to see that I am with you for I have done all these things and more for you in Christ Jesus, who is “God with you.”
First I rescue you from all your afflictions. In Jesus I rescued you from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of My beloved Son by redeeming you from every sin you have done or will do, healing you, prospering you. In Him, I have rescued you from sin and its mastery over you, from the power of the devil, from death, from wrath to come, from judgment, from violent and evil people, and from trouble.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all. Psalm 34:19.
Now you followed my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, perseverance, persecutions, and sufferings, such as happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium and at Lystra; what persecutions I endured, and out of them all the Lord rescued me! 2 Timothy 3:10-11. “The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever”. Amen. 2 Timothy 4:18.
“Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name. He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With a long life I will satisfy him and let him see My salvation.” Psalm 91:14-16.
And when Peter was put in jail by Herod awaiting execution, I sent one of My heavenly host to rescue him. I rescue you when I am with you.
Next, when I am with you, I surround you with favor as a shield. When you are with Me I even make your enemies show you favor. I gave Joseph favor with his master when he was a slave in Potiphar’s house, so that Potiphar put him in charge of all he owned and prospered him. And the same with the chief jailer in prison, and finally the same with Pharaoh, the head of an empire. My favor on you causes others to bless you and prosper you and it also leads to promotion and authority. So with favor I give you wisdom so you can shine in your assignments and be able to handle promotion to ever more skillful tasks.
And that is the next sign I am with you, promotion to higher and higher levels of authority. Joseph went from favor and wisdom in one man’s household property, to running a jail, which is a business enterprise filled with prisoners and staff of various needs, to running an entire empire, and the needs of the surrounding nations in the time of the seven years of famine, for which Joseph had prepared Egypt.
And that is what I did for you in Jesus as well, who I sent to be with you, God with you. In Him I rescued you from sin and eternal death, in Him I showed you great favor with Me and with men, and in Him I have promoted you to glory and given you back your earthly authority in Him.
And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20.
For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. Romans 8:29-30.
I love you. I am with you and I will never leave you or forsake you. I am with you wherever you go. Begin enjoying the comfort and peace of My presence, the power of My presence to rescue you from all harm and evil, to show you favor each day, to promote you, and to put you in a position of authority. The best part of life though is our fellowship. I delight to be with you and when you delight to be with Me, I give you the desires of your heart. But if you really get to know Me you will find that your biggest desire will be to be with Me. And I feel the same about you. Draw close and know the power of My presence to heal, prosper, and bless you.